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Living By The Word Of God Guarantees Blessings

Living By The Word Of God Guarantees Blessings

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

Every child of God needs to check how much they depend on God’s word. The truth is, nothing happens in the life of a believer outside of the word of God. Without it, we starve spiritually; incapable of fighting the enemy, become spiritually malnourished, weak, and incapable of doing anything spiritually meaningful. We become void of exploits because we are no longer strong. “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Dan. 11:32. Those who know their God are the ones that can do exploits and knowing God is through His word. Do not put anything above God’s word. If you seek spectacular manifestations and miracles, which is what many are attracted to because they seem so glorious, you will miss God. Let God’s word guide your feet and path. Don’t follow the crowd. Forget all the momentary benefits and instant gratifications, with time they will disappear. The word of God is tested and tried, it cannot fail.

When God was going to save the world He didn’t send the anointing, He sent the word. The word gave life to everything that exists. The word was there from the beginning according to John 1:1. Nothing has the same status as the word because the word is God and He does nothing outside His word. This is why Psalm 138:2 records that He magnifies His word more than His name. God’s word upholds everything. We don’t enjoy our blessings because we are ignorant of what the word of God says about us. True deliverance from any oppression or attacks of the enemy can be addressed by the word of God and this is the only way your deliverance is guaranteed to be lasting. We need to study God’s word, so we can be skilful users of His word.

When we are confronted with life’s challenge, we need to pause and go back to God through His word where we will find the divine wisdom to withstand life pressures and overcome. There is something you ought to do to resolve the crisis; it’s in the word. God back to God, ask what you need to know, and He will give you the wisdom and revelation to set you free.

In the final analysis of things, you need faith to walk and keep walking free. Develop your faith enough so when the counterattack of the devil comes, your faith will keep your blessing secure. That’s why you can’t make the word of God a secondary activity in your life. Stay focused on the word because money or anything else can’t help you in the fight against the devil. Let the knowledge of Christ become your food.

All God’s blessings come through His word according to John 15:7. “But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” You can get all the blessings you desire in God’s word

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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