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Fight the Good Fight of Faith (Pt. 1)

Fight the Good Fight of Faith (Pt. 1)


Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. –1 Timothy 6:12 (NKJV)

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

When we read the scripture without understanding what God is saying to us through it, we become easy prey to the devil out of ignorance. We need to carefully study the scriptures, relying on the Holy Spirit’s interpretation for proper application in different areas of our lives. The deceit of Satan; his evil plans, and devices are what we are up against. If you fight the devil in ignorance, he will eat you for lunch. The only fight expected of a Christian is the fight of faith. It is through this truth that you can overcome the devices of Satan. The devil will try to make you believe that the scripture is not true because he is also contending against what God has said through the word. Do not allow him to take advantage of your ignorance because in that way you give him the authority to attack you. Put away lying, stealing, corrupt language, anger, and whatever that does not glorify God so that the devil will not have an inroad into your life.

Our main fight is about having faith in the written word of God. The carnal life is the devil’s playground. But eternal life is God’s playground. You need to submit yourself to God; follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Do not live a rebellious life against God and expect Him to show up for you. Christians ought to be the ones attacking the devil and not the other way. In Matthew chapter 8, the demons lied that Jesus had come to torment them when what He came to do was cast them out. These signs also follow those who believe in Jesus include casting out devils and speaking in new tongues (Mark 16:17). The devil should constantly be on his toes when believers are around.

The devil and his cohorts cannot defeat Christ. Jesus publicly rose in their presence on the third day and has given the church the power to tread upon scorpions, serpents (the power of the enemy), and over principalities and powers (Luke 10:19). The enemy has been disarmed. The devil recognizes the authority of Jesus; unfortunately some Christians only use this authority when they are afraid. We are seated in the place of authority with Christ, there is nothing to fear. Our authority is based on the fact that we are one with Him; a part of His body. The power given to Jesus has been shared with us as joint-heirs with Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27 and Ephesians 5:30). We were buried with Christ and raised with Him.

Beware of what dominates your thoughts and beliefs because through these the devil can gain access and control with which he will use to defeat you. If he controls what you think and how you feel, he will eventually defeat you. You must always insist on taking him to the scriptures; that’s the way to defeat him. Constantly meditate on the word of God and allow it take root in your life. Do not be ignorant about the word of God.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Faith doesn’t come by focusing on your challenges but on the author and finisher of your faith. Without Jesus, nothing will happen. We are joined with Christ and all things have been put under our feet.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of The Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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