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Pray Without Ceasing: Be Diligent in Prayer

Pray Without Ceasing: Be Diligent in Prayer

“Pray without ceasing…” 1 Thess. 5:17 (NKJV)

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

To be diligent means to be focused or not slacking about something. As believers, we must be diligent in prayer. We shouldn’t be so busy such that prayer takes the back burner; when prayer should be the primary thing we ought to do daily. We need to be careful and make sure we are consistent with our prayer time because there are many other things competing with our prayer time.

Prayer should be more than a mere ritual, such that we remind ourselves we already prayed in the morning and there is no need to pray at night. Our prayer life should be part of our living. We must get used to doing it and not feel any pressure or burden while we are at it. Your daily victory is connected to your consistency in prayer.

Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.” God’s word is what guides us in all things, including prayers. We need to always refer to the scriptures when we desire to learn how to pray. We shouldn’t pray without the guidance of scriptures because that would mean we are praying in the dark. You cannot pray effectively if you are not giving to studying the word.

The scripture warns us in Mark 7:8 to beware of people introducing us to traditions of men; practices that do not align with what God has said. When we follow the traditions of men, we make the commandment of God ineffective. When God is not involved in whatever we do, it can be regarded as ‘religion of men’ including prayer. The more people despise God’s word, the more they lose sight of the truth in God’s word and the power of prayer.

Believers need to stop running after visions and misleading prophecies from people who claim to hear from God. Pursue after the Truth and remain in the place of prayer! We must ensure we judge all things before giving in. With time these enticements will fade off and your focus will be on vain things. The devil also ‘performs’ miracles to deceive the elect.

We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance when we pray. Life is too complex for us to go through it alone. We need Him to teach us what to pray and how to pray. God guides, instructs, and anoints us to pray and we have this confidence that when we pray in Jesus’ name mixed with our faith in Him, He answers.

Knock out anxiety; be anxious for nothing. Quit talking about the issue and pray instead! Talking about it shows that you are anxious and faithless. If you have handed the issue to God, then let Him handle it. Your mouth speaks from the abundance of your heart. Your worries can’t add hair to your head. Trust God with your worries; He will handle them.

If you don’t trust God, you will murmur and complain and it will obstruct your blessings. Ingratitude also makes God not answer your prayers. God hears us according to His will and will only abide by His words.

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