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Receiving All the Blessings of God is Only by Faith and Nothing More.

Receiving All the Blessings of God is Only by Faith and Nothing More.

Receiving All The blessings of God is Only by Faith and Nothing More.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ…” Ephesians 1:3

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

God is the Blessing from Whom all blessings come. We must therefore learn not to focus on the blessings and forget the Blessing. Where God is, the blessings flow. Without God, we can’t get any blessing; when we discount God, we will  not succeed. Some believers get the blessings and backslide because they feel they don’t need God anymore. Don’t allow yourself to get to this level because you will be an easy prey for the devil.

We can only receive the blessings of God by faith. Some believers quote a lot of scriptures but don’t live by them. This cannot work, faith must be mixed with action. James 2:17, Faith without action is dead. You ought to know and live by faith – the just shall live by faith (Hab. 2:4).

The world finds it strange the way believers live by faith. For instance, when you show generosity, they feel you have ulterior motives. But the truth is, it is a gift to be generous and it comes with blessings. The more generous I am the richer I become. “So even though wisdom is better than strength, those who are wise will be despised if they are poor. What they say won’t be appreciated for long.” Ecclesiastes 9:16. The wisdom of the poor will always be despised unlike that of men of substance.

Living a righteous life is also made possible by faith. Some believers think that grace gives leverage to sin. No, it delivers us from sin. The first thing grace did was to free us from sin. Grace makes us what we should be; a new creature. Christians need to change their mindset because as we think, so we are. You can’t keep thinking grace is about not making us sin and expect God’s deliverance from sin. We need to stop using human evaluations and focus on the new life as new creatures. Human wisdom sees the wisdom from God as foolishness.

Heavenly realities become true to those who think spiritually. God’s healings are permanent but activated only through faith. He has restored you completely. Your healing from God will create the opportunity to share the gospel of Christ. God doesn’t want us to work with the gifts but by faith in His word. Listen to these sermons until your faith is strengthened. Take His word and grow up!

God needs you; He needs your faith to be up and active. If He wants to heal someone, He will give you the word. You need to open yourself up and ask Him to send you. If you walk in the spirit, God will show you things in this life. You can’t walk in confusion when you walk in the spirit. He will give you information that will set you apart. Your values will change and you will desire to be in the presence of God always. You will be Kingdom-focused and bound. 

What does it mean to receive by faith? It simply means “to believe”. Matthew 21:22, “If you believe, you will receive…”. If you don’t play your role, you won’t receive. You need to realize that even Jesus couldn’t perform miracles at a certain place because of the unbelief of the people. Unbelief stops you from receiving from God. All you will get from God is by faith. Everything we need in life has been provided but must be activated by faith.

Don’t cut yourself off from the grace of God. Why try to be perfect after you have been saved by grace? You have the authority and ability to overcome the enemy. God has put all the gimmicks of the devil under your feet. You must not be afraid. Let God be proud of you. If you believe, all things are possible. God’s heart is broken when He sees His creatures suffer from lack. “…no one can be made right with God by trying to keep the law. It is through faith that a righteous person has life.” Galatians 3:11 (NLT)

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