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God’s Weapons of Warfare: The Blood and Our Testimony

God’s Weapons of Warfare: The Blood and Our Testimony

by Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” Revelation 12:11 

Believe it or not, there is an enemy who wants to steal your blessings. He is called the thief (John 10:10). If you don’t know how to deploy the weapons of warfare given to you by God, he will eat you for lunch! His main weapon is deceit. It is important for you to know these weapons and familiarize yourself with them. Let’s focus on the weapons of the blood of Jesus and the words of our testimony. The word of our testimony refers to Jesus. The book of prophesy is the testimony of Jesus, the word of God.

God revealed for the first time to man that the blood can protect because the blood covers sin. The plague of death didn’t touch the Israelites because of the mark of the blood on the signpost of their homes (Exodus 12:13). It was by faith that Moses asked the Israelites to obey the word of God, so the angel of death can pass over their homes and because of the blood their lives were spared.

The new covenant was made possible by the shedding of the blood on Calvary. The death of Jesus is the only sacrifice that can make us righteous and because of it, God forgave us our sins. It gave us the privilege of spiritual blessings. It delivered us from our old nature and gave us a new nature. It delivers us from the bondage of Satan. The blood of animals can’t wash away sin, that is why they kept repeating the same sacrifices yearly in the Old Testament.

Without the shedding of blood, there is no covenant with God. The old covenant was enacted with animal blood, which led to repetition and couldn’t even purify man. However, Jesus died once to take away the sin of the world, disarmed the devil, changed our status, gave us freedom and the gift of eternal life.

Unfortunately, the devil succeeds in attacking some believers because he knows that they don’t have a clue what the blood of Jesus has done for them. Believers are pleading the blood of Jesus without knowing what the blood can do. How can you have faith in ignorance? You need to know and understand that there is power in the blood before you apply it. The blood was shed for your sake, the blood speaks better things for you. It speaks mercy and forgiveness because the sacrifice of Jesus has satisfied the just and divine punishment for our sins on our behalf and so the devil has lost what gave him the legal right to afflict us-our sin. It was washed away and therefore there is no more condemnation for us in Christ. The devil has no more legal grounds anymore to attack us. The blood speaks for you. Agree with it and plead it too in agreement as your ground to legally deny the devil access to you like the Israelites in Egypt.

The word of our testimony is the word of God. The testimony you give is the testimony the Holy Spirit has given about the benefits of the sacrifice of Jesus. Your testimony must be about Jesus Christ and His finished works. Speak according to what is written in the word of God. Be in agreement with the Holy Spirit regarding your life. Don’t waver when you say you believe in God. Resist with the word of God as a shield of faith. Stand!

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of The Fountain of the Living Word Church, New Jersey

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