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The Riches of Christ for Us

The Riches of Christ for Us

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel 

Ephesians 3:7-8 “whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of that grace of God which was given me according to the working of his power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, was this grace given, to preach unto the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;”ASV.

There are unsearchable riches Christ has made available for us to bring us the experience of the full glory of God, so that our joy may be full. The whole blessings of the family of God was made available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ as members of God’s household, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. These blessings are ours right now in this life not after death.. The greatest loss to man is not the loss of money or earthly riches though that is a loss but to exit this earth without enjoying to its fullness or maximum all the blessings Jesus died to provide for him. Because these riches far surpass any other riches here on earth in all considerations.

When a believer has a good understanding of what God has in store for His children, they will seek the kingdom of God first and above all else. The kingdom of God will be a treasure for them, they”ll treasure God and our Lord Jesus. Their heart, entire heart, soul and mind will be for the Lord for where your treasure is there your heart will be also. But because we do not know these riches we think the riches of this world that are temporal is all there is to life and we focus on them and they become our treasure and take away our hearts from the Lord. Christ in you  is the hope of Glory..He is the blessing Himself and from Him comes the blessings!! He is of more value than anything else. One has to be ignorant to be paying the Lord just lip service and his heart is in something else that is not the source of real riches.

God does not record riches as men do with material possessions. His ways are not our ways. God only reckons with His son Jesus;  the love gift of God to the world.. He is heavens best. You are blessed if He controls your life. If you give your entire heart to Him, He’ will lead you to green pastures of life and to still waters not turbulent waters. He will  lead you to victory always. Earthly possessions have very severe limitations but with Christ all things are possible. He gave us Eternal life; His life. He gave us  healing when He was made sick for us. He gave us the privilege of being accepted by God…in other words he gave us the gift of righteousness. This makes it possible for us to approach God any time. He gave us the blessings of Abraham. He is our wisdom ,our strength, our life and all that matters. He gave us freedom from our old sinful nature!!!from the kingdom of darkness from the power and control of sin!!!He made us sons of God!!!.Every Christian ought to be familiar with the riches of Christ because this knowledge opens doors for us to believe them and see their realities in real life. 

Unfortunately, when God calls us His sons, we don’t act His sons or like we understand what that truly means. This knowledge ought to change our status, thinking and behavior too. There are privileges Jesus  confers on us that cannot be found anywhere else. He loves us with a love we can never understand and He never fails to show up for us whenever we call.

Pray and meditate on the riches you have in Christ Jesus. You will do without if you live in ignorance. Do not miss out on the riches of Christ, it will be a huge loss. Learn to walk in the glory of God every day. It is all paid for. Only believe and your eyes will see all the glory of God which is for your own benefit in this life and the life to come. No payment is required of you. No sacrifice. You cannot improve on the sacrifice of our Lord for us. It is complete and finished. Nothing to add to it. Just appropriate it all. It pleased the Father to bless us in Christ and it gives Him great pleasure if we walk in the blessings. Remember that without faith it is impossible to please God. It is all by faith. Stop the struggle and enter His rest and His blessings.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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