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You Are Destined For A Glorious Life

You Are Destined For A Glorious Life

By Pastor Dorothy Emmanuel

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. – Isaiah 55:11

Although God’s word doesn’t return to Him void, we must cooperate with Him to make it happen. Living a glorious life requires being intentional and making tough choices. We must deliberately choose what God has said about us over the noise we constantly hear around us. Everything that pertains to life and godliness has been provided for us by Christ who is in us. However, we need  to make them ours by acknowledging that they are ours. If we deny them they do not manifest though they are there. By denying them we are rejecting them too.

Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness” 2 Peter 2:3 TPT

He is a good Daddy and wants us to rely on all the provisions He has already made available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. The new life He provided. The new Strength through which we can now do all things. The new covenant that guarantees us all the blessings of heaven. These things we can not get any other way except through Jesus Christ. We can not work for them. They are all GIFTS OF MERCY AND GRACE ALREADY GIVEN NOT GOING TO BE GIVEN SO YOU DON’T WORK HARD FOR IT.

Instead of helping us in this regard we are severely hindered by any effort to get what has already been given as a gift by working for it!! Religion encourages working for them but Christianity encourages believing and experiencing  them for they have been paid for in full.

Sometimes we engage our will power and determination to see us through, especially when we are trying to please God daily. We forget easily that it is impossible to please God apart from what Christ has done and is doing in us. It is impossible to please God without faith in Christ Jesus. Rom 7: 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. NLT

He created you uniquely. Everything about you was deliberately made because He planned  them that way to fulfil His purpose for your life. God had formed and shaped you before you were born. Don’t beat yourself  up about people’s opinions. Yes there are times we need to learn from others and make adjustments in our lives but we can not afford to be directed by other people. We should access everything people say with humility and sincerity. Learn to accept where we missed it and forget those that are not true about us and move on .Life goes on and so must we. No need to stay up, eating the  bread of sorrow because of what someone said. People have tongues and they talk. That is a fact of life. Some wisely others not wisely. But we love all people. What matters is that God loves and cares about you. If God is for you, no one can be against you. Ignore naysayers, switch to the word of God and let Him give you the true version of who you are.

See yourself through His word. Continue to renew your mind daily. You were adopted into the family of God the day you said “Yes” to Jesus Christ. God loves you the same way He loves Jesus. You now have the mind of Christ. As you grow in your knowledge and understanding by lending yourself to sound teaching of the word that focuses on Jesus Christ and as you meditate on His  word and study it your life will be reflecting and mirroring his life  effortlessly. Your progress will be seen by all for light can not be hidden. Keep building your life with God’s building block; which is His word. Jesus is the word. Remember we got all these blessings through the knowledge of Christ 2 Peter 2:3. 

What you feed yourself spiritually is just as important as what you feed your physical body naturally.  Remember also garbage in garbage out.

Christ Jesus is the word.1 John 1 We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life. 2 This one who is life itself was revealed to us, and we have seen him. And now we testify and proclaim to you that he is the one who is eternal life. He was with the Father, and then he was revealed to us. NLT

Like Paul let us desire to know Him and be seen in Him always. You are complete in Him. He is our life and that is all that matters. You do not need rituals and methods and all these severe deprivation and self denials..(Colossians 2v20-23).Jesus is a life giving Spirit. He is all you need to be complete and to be all that God wants you to be. Without Him we can do nothing. Self punishment can not improve upon the sacrifice on Calvary. It is mere human thinking that is not supported by any scripture. Jesus paid it all. Nothing else is required of us but to only believe and see the glory of God. Yes, it is important to take some time off and and deny yourself some things but not as payment for our sins or to compete with the sacrifice of the Lord but to discipline yourself according to the grace you need to have with the Lord. But The Lord said to come back quickly if you are married so Satan does not tempt you. He never recommended excessive self denial that will affect your job and family and even your health and marriage too  like many do today.

Col 3:11 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us NLT.

Don’t allow your feelings to determine how things turn out for you. Stand on the word of God and watch God settle it all. When we show people the same love, He showed to us; that’s how they will know that we are His (John 13:35).

Love is the most powerful way we can change lives. It can be hard to love sometimes when we do it by the flesh, we must learn to let Christ’s love control us and flow out of us. Only Him can love like only Him can. We simply  cannot. If we learn to surrender it to Him and rest in His word He will love even the worst of us. We shouldn’t be like those who call themselves believers but their attitude and character says otherwise. Don’t allow people’s responses determine how you respond to them. Never pay back in kind. Jesus paid back in love, mercy, forgiveness and at His own expense to us who were dead in sin. If He did for you why deny another the same grace. You are enjoying it daily.

Don’t judge or become a stumbling block on anyone’s path. Don’t also set yourself up to be judged. No man can accurately judge anyone because we judge by man’s standard. Fill your heart with His love instead of being grumpy. Do away with jealousy, bitterness, and envy, they can make you sick and hinder you from enjoying the glorious life destined for you. The Father’s desire is that we, His children, flourish.

Pastor Dorothy Emmanuel is the Co-Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey, USA.

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