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  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


By Pastor Uche Ezeanya

Psalm 100:2 “Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.”

We should serve God with a joyful noise, proclaim His name loudly and boldly with shouts of joy, clapping and dancing , making merry to the glory of His name.  God wants you to celebrate Him; talk about him, shout, make a loud noise, and let the whole earth hear about Him. It should be a lifestyle for you and your family all the days of your life.

How is your praise life? How is your worship of Him? God expects you to praise Him from the rising of the sun until it does down. It has to be continuous praise. Do you get excited when you step into the house of the Lord? You can’t be sad when you approach Him. When you are focused on your challenges, you feel some restriction to praise Him. It is better to keep your focus on the One who can do all things.

God’s power is unlimited because with Him all things are possible (Luke 1:37). He can change that situation that is making you drag your feet in seconds. When you are filled with the Holy Ghost, you will be filled with joy and thanksgiving. Declare Jesus to people every time you have the opportunity. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about your conviction to follow Christ. Go on and do what Jesus would do. In spite of the negative situations in our nation and the world at large, God will fulfill His word. Give thanks to God because He has equipped you for that purpose. Celebrate God every day. Do not fret or worry, instead pray about your concerns and God will show up for you. Spice up your petition and supplications with praise.

No matter what crisis is on the front burner of your life, be assured that God is by your side all the way. If He showed up for the Hebrew boys in the fire, He will show up for you and resolve whatever challenge that is limiting you. John 16:33 “In this world, you will have tribulation but know that He has overcome the world for you.” Nothing is too hard for God. He will walk alongside you and walk with you because He has the answer to all issues of life.

We are no longer required to offer sacrifices of blood but of praise to God. So, we can pour out sacrificial praise to God. Do not take it for granted that you can appear before God. It is a privilege that Christ made possible. He won’t ask you to do what you can’t do. He equips you with what is required to do what He wants you to do. May the fruit of the joy of the Lord dominate our lives always!

Pastor Uche Ezeanya is a serving Pastor at The Fountain of the Living Word Church, New Jersey.


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