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Holy Spirit Empowerment: Embracing Spiritual Growth in Christ

Holy Spirit Empowerment: Embracing Spiritual Growth in Christ

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

John 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. ” 

Emphasizing the importance of continuous spiritual growth is crucial, as it leads to a life guided by the Holy Spirit rather than our earthly desires. Such growth leads us on a journey toward living a life fully led and guided by the divine presence of the Holy Spirit. It is a transformative path where every thought, word, and action find inspiration from the Spirit rather than being driven by the desires of the flesh. To yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit is to embrace the sublime wisdom that far surpasses the limitations of our own carnal understanding.

The consequences of yielding to our fleshly desires are profound, for they lead us astray from our true purpose and rob us of the opportunity to bring about divine impact in every aspect of our lives. Be it our families, careers, or finances, surrendering to our fleshly inclinations blinds us to the higher calling that God has placed upon us. It hinders us from being effective witnesses for the Lord and restricts us to the lower orbit of the carnal, a realm that, by its very nature, falls short of fulfilling God’s ultimate purpose for our lives.

But amidst the exhortation to grow in the Spirit and to yield to the divine guidance lies a cautionary tale. We are reminded that not all that glitters is gold, and not all miracles are a testimony of truth. The ancient scriptures themselves counsel us against being easily swayed by mere wonders. Even demons can perform signs and wonders, aiming to deceive the unwary and the naive. Such displays may captivate our senses, but the ultimate litmus test of truth lies in the unwavering and timeless word of God. It is the compass that keeps us firmly anchored in the depths of divine knowledge and understanding.

Therefore, we are called not to follow the enchanting trail of miracles but to adhere steadfastly to the path laid out by the scriptures. The words of Psalms 119:105: “His word is a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path.” By following the word of God, we are granted access to an extraordinary realm where miracles are not elusive phenomena but a daily reality. We walk in the miraculous, for God faithfully performs His promises to those who faithfully cling to His words.

Yet, the spiritual life is so much more than a mere checklist of obedience. It transcends the confines of rigid laws and regulations, as the grace of God takes center stage, revealing to us the true essence of faith. The grace of God beckons us into an intimate knowledge of Christ Himself, instilling in us a deep understanding of His being and His ways. As we embrace this revelation by faith, the life of Christ becomes our very own life, empowered by His Spirit residing within us.

This newfound life is not birthed from the works of the Law but springs forth from the wellspring of divine grace. It is a life that thrives on the love of God and flows with the endless abundance of His blessings. In this life, we find ourselves soaring above the constraints of the mundane, the temporal, and the finite. Instead, we are lifted to the higher orbit of the spiritual, a realm of endless possibilities for all who dare to believe and dwell therein.

 “So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now!” 2 Cor 5:16 NLT

The transformation of the Apostle Paul as described in the above verses serves as a resounding testament to the power of such revelation. Once acquainted with Jesus from a mere human perspective, his encounter with the Spirit of God unveiled a profound revelation of Christ within him. It was not a mere intellectual understanding but a revelation that touched the depths of his spirit, forever altering the course of his life.

The biblical truth shines through, reminding us that we are spiritual beings, born of God and indwelt by His Spirit. The “new man,” “the hidden man of the heart,” “the born-again man” — this is the essence of our true identity in Christ. When we grasp this revelation, we come to comprehend that Christ’s love is the guiding force in our lives. In this understanding, our old selves become as shadows, and a new life in Christ emerges, bearing the radiant glow of His love.

In 2 Cor 5: 14 Paul said 14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.16 So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! 17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

The flame of this new life is fanned by the Holy Spirit, burning away the residue of our former selves, and birthing a new creation in Christ. The Christ within us, the hope of glory, becomes unmistakably evident as we walk in the light of God’s love. It is a transformation that transcends the boundaries of human understanding, a metamorphosis that can only occur through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hence, the journey of spiritual growth beckons us to dive deeper into the knowledge of Christ Jesus. It is an ongoing pursuit that enriches our souls, renews our minds, and transforms our hearts. As we grow in this knowledge, the fingerprints of Christ become more distinct in every aspect of our lives. The Spirit’s work within us becomes evident as we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit and manifest the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that radiate from Christ’s very being.

So, let us embrace this journey of spiritual growth. In the arms of grace, we discover a life filled with boundless possibilities, where health, prosperity, freedom from bondage and curses, and all the blessings of God overflow. May we be steadfast in seeking to know Christ, for in knowing Him, we truly discover our authentic selves and embrace the fullness of the Spirit life that God has destined for us.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

1 thought on “Holy Spirit Empowerment: Embracing Spiritual Growth in Christ

    • Author gravatar

      This blog today is so powerful and has blessed me so much, because it was addressing what is currently going on in my life. I have discovered the peace in yielding to the will of God and following the leading of the Holy Spirit in my day to day activities. I give praise and all the glory to God, Amen 🙏. Thank you so very much, Sir, for continuous refreshing of our souls. God will always fill you up to the overwhelming in Jesus Name, Amen 🙏. Esther

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