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Living with a Heavenly Perspective

Living with a Heavenly Perspective

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

Ephesians 5: 1-2 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

The Bible instructs us to be imitators of Christ. Meaning, we ought to copy Him and follow His examples. To be able to do what God does you must know and believe that you are created a spirit man to be like God, with the nature and life of God for that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Therefore, you possess certain attributes of God, enabling you to act in alignment with His ways. This transforms you from natural to the supernatural. God does marvelous works. We have the special privilege to do what He does. This privilege will elevate you from shame to glory, ignorant to knowledgeable, regular to peculiar, human to spirit-man.

Christianity shouldn’t be degraded to ethics or morals like every other religions. That puts it on an equal platform with other religions.  Christianity goes way beyond dos and don’ts to being born again by the Spirit of God and having a new nature created in true righteousness and holiness so you can now by nature not by laws, but by nature, live the new life of Christ. When it comes naturally, it becomes the standard!

Therefore, it is a lifestyle that involves demonstrating the power and glory of God through actions such as healing the sick, casting out demons, and revealing the glory of the Kingdom of God, of which we are ambassadors.  We are here but not of this world. We came from heaven too and are seated in heavenly places! It is beyond a religious gathering. It is the supernatural life of the new man which is distinct from the natural life of the flesh!!!

Teachers of the Word have been put in our lives to prepare us so that when we leave the church, we can go out and live the life of God. God desires that we act, talk, and behave like Him. When you don’t behave like God, you behave like man. Man is very limited to his ways. The enemy knows that this is what moves you from the natural to the supernatural, so he tries to tie you down to the natural by thinking only as a natural human only in the natural where nothing significant happens. It is a subtle strategy that he has used to tie millions down in mediocrity. Whoever controls your thinking, controls your life. The devil is not smart because he has been using the same strategy for years to stop believers from living the glorious life. He is the god of this world and he wants us to live here only in the natural realm so he can control us too. This type of carnal reasoning can limit you and prevent you from seeing or experiencing the supernatural. You must transcend from thinking that you are a mere human and begin to see yourself as a superhuman created to be like God, a son of God seated with the Lord in heavenly places so you can function in God’s realm. There is no impossibility in the spirit realm. All things are possible there.

We are created to be like God, we are spirits, born again meaning born of the Spirit of God and not of this world. We are citizens of God’s kingdom. We live from above; that is from heaven. Our methods are not their method. Focus on your government as ambassadors of Christ. You are citizens of heaven appointed to do the will of God on earth.

Ensure you imitate your father in all things. You are only required to pass the message of the gospel of the Lord to the people; and live as examples of the power and glory of the kingdom of God. This is not for Pastors alone. It is for you to heal the sick and put demons where they belong by the Name of Jesus. You only live like God when you reign on earth over the world,  flesh, sin, and show forth the praises of He who called you. It is more than laws!! It is about the glory of God that and has been restored to you… nothing more. Be like Jesus; He only did what He saw the Father do and abide by the will and word of God.

By your spirit, you can know what your senses do not know yet. We should be able to see the end of the matter; know where your life is headed, see where God wants you to be, and live the life He planned for you, to do you good not evil, restored to the glory of God. This is not religion!! This is Christ in you the hope of glory. He lives through you daily if you choose to trust Him.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of the Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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