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By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

“For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute. Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath,” Hebrews 6:16-17.

God is bound by His word. Just as an oath binds the people involved, His word binds Him to do what He says He will do. Binding Him to His word is not in the sense of forcing an unwilling person to perform an obligation but in the sense of God’s word is His ways; His nature.

He lives His word; His word is what he does. It is native to Him and He needs no persuasion to do His word. John 1:1 “In the beginning, was the word, the word was God”. It is just how He does things. It is His way of doing things. God does not violate His word because that will violate His nature.  That is impossible because He never changes and there is no shadow of change with Him. When people take an oath, they swear by someone greater to hold them accountable. God’s word rises to the level of His oath. Jeremiah 1:12, says “The Lord said unto me, thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. He hastens His word because He’s Almighty.”

Another reason we can trust His word is that it is unchangeable. You cannot wake up and say His word has changed. It is reliable at all times and in all circumstances. You can stand on the Word of God so that those who receive the promise can be sure that He will never change his mind.

When you pray, do so based on the word; bring God’s word to Him. This is the only way your prayer will align with His will, plan, and purpose. This way, you can ask for anything that is according to His will and He will do it, 1John 5:14.

You also bring His word to Him to make your case according to Isaiah 1:18. To do this, this word must first abide in you. John 15:7 says “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”. This should be the guiding principle of whatever you are doing. Follow the word as a guide on how to pray. When you come to talk to God, bring His word to him. Take your Bible, go to Him and say, “This is your word, Lord. You said so and so… this why am asking based on what you said. You watch over your word to perform it. I expect you to also perform this for me in this and that situation” Make your case before Him.

Moses is a good example, he often brought God’s word to Him and made his case before the Lord and got an immediate answer, Exodus 33:12-17.  Moses petitioned God with the word that God told him. Go to Him and talk it over. He is your father and you are not a stranger. He says, “Let’s discuss it.” He is not a boss you can’t talk to. You must also know that answered prayers glorify God and bring His children fullness of joy. When He heals or meets your needs, you share the testimony and that brings glory to Him. You rejoice for your answered prayers, and the glory goes to Him.

You also need to learn how to make the word of God work for you. The Scripture talks about baby Christians who are not skillful in the use of God’s word. Heb 5:13 says “For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.”

His word works for those who believe it, not those trying to believe or those trying to see if it works. The word works for the fully persuaded like Abraham, His word is absolute truth.

Learn to act on His word regardless of any contrary situation. Also, learn how to say exactly what He said. Your confession of His word is how you verbalize your faith. Those who say something different are not in agreement with Him. Those who waver get nothing according to the book of James. You must learn how to release your faith by action and words. Until you release your faith, you are like someone with a bag full of money who is not using it to buy anything. You still do without, though you are full of His word in your head.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor at the Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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