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By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

             Their minds are dull and slow to perceive, their ears are plugged and are hard of hearing, and they have deliberately shut their eyes to the truth. Otherwise they would open their eyes to see, and open their ears to hear, and open their minds to understand. Then they would turn to me and I would instantly heal them. Matthew 13:15 (TPT)

The only way we communicate with God since we do not see Him physically is through His word. We may not see Him in flesh, but we know He is real. A proof of this is that He says what He wants to do and does it. No one can know Him apart from Himself. His Spirit knows Him and reveals Him to us through His Word. No one can know God except through His Word and the works He does.

God is His Word, according to John 1:1, to be acquainted with His word is to be acquainted with Him. God does not violate or act outside of His Word. By knowing His Word, you can know His character and relate with Him accordingly. Many well-meaning Christians are struggling to believe God’s Word because they haven’t experienced the efficacy of it and so have become weary, tired, and doubtful.

You can’t relate with God without believing His Word. The difficulty we have in believing is blamed on three things:

  • The body of theological teachings we have been exposed to. These are theories that deviate from the scriptures but have become the standard for many. People are relying on them instead of the bible. It laid the foundation for loss of faith in the bible. Some big denominations do not believe in the bible.

  • The law teachers: Many preachers are followers of Moses and teaching in ways that will never produce faith in their lives. They encourage self-righteousness because they believe that by their goodness they will go to heaven. They discount Christ completely in their teachings. They don’t help people to focus on the finished work Christ did on Calvary.

  • The blinding of demonic spirit: This is a complete lack of interest in God’s word and this happens when we don’t have a love for the truth of the Word. Demons have fertile ground to work where the word of God is absent. Satan can’t work on you if you don’t want him to; you can resist him. Though they listen to God’s word, they can’t understand it because their minds are dull and slow to perceive, according to Matthew 13:15 (TPT). They have deliberately shut their hearts to the truth.

When we give attention to God’s word, it directs us to God, puts us in a perpetual relationship with Him, and helps our faith to remain activated. Meditate on God’s word daily; this will bring you healing, answers to prayers, and every other thing that Christ has guaranteed for us. We must choose, like Mary and the Berean Christians, to sit with Jesus and inquire and depend on every word that proceeds from His mouth.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of The Fountain of the Living Word Church, New Jersey.

“No one can know God except through His Word and the works He does.”

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

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