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<strong>THE POWER OF THE TONGUE</strong>


By Minister Adanna Ironnah

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”

The words we speak have great importance. We speak life or death with our tongue. We must choose our words wisely because we will certainly reap the fruit of what we say. The tongue determines if we’re victorious or not. It also determines the course of our life. Words shape worlds! The words that come out of our mouths shape our world. This also applies to our personal lives, health, finances, joy, etc.

Both God and the enemy know words are powerful. It seems as though we are the only ones who don’t know it. We can sometimes speak recklessly without any thought to what we say. God and the enemy are vying for us to be in their camp. Galatians 5:17 says that the spirit and the flesh are in constant battle with each other wanting to do the exact opposite of the other. This is the same thing we face as believers, our spirit wants to speak the words of God, but our flesh wants to speak the words of the world. How we overcome this is through the self-control that Christ gave us.

The kingdom of God is saturated by words. Words carry power. In the beginning of creation, God created the heavens and earth and said “let there be light”. God is intentional about the words He speaks. Everything He says has a purpose to either create or shut down things that are contrary to His kingdom. We were created by words, and we also can use our words to either glorify God or the enemy. The enemy’s words align with the world and all the negativity that might be around us. Those words are that of destruction and failure. But God’s Word always has a good report! God’s word speaks life and light into any situation.

Today the Lord wants to deliver us from the negative words that come out of our mouths! James chapter 3 tells us that no one can tame their tongue with their own power. We need the power of the Holy Spirit, which enables us to control our tongue. The first thing we have to do is to WATCH OUR MOUTHS. Proverbs 13:3, “He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.” When we actively “guard” our mouths, we become more aware of what comes out. Saying whatever comes to mind means we lack self-control and this only leads to destruction.

In the midst of people giving negative reports, what do we say? Do we conform to society around us just to be accepted? We must agree and speak in line with what the Lord says. Whose report will you believe? We should believe and confess the report of the Lord. We might receive blowback or persecution for speaking God’s words, but that’s okay. We must stand with the unwavering truth in God’s Word. With our mouths, we should count our blessings and recognize all God has done for us. That way when challenges come, we still speak positively. Our faith is built when we focus on God and NOT our challenges.

Our words aren’t just for us, they’re for future generations to come! Many of the blessings we’re reaping now are because our parents and forefathers believed and spoke. They held onto God’s testimony and spoke it. We must do the same for our future generations. Our believing words can set our children up for life. Words have consequences. So, if we do not care about the impact that words have on our own lives, we have to at least care about the impact it will have on our children!

James 1:19-21 says “You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. So get rid of all filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.” Being slow to speak and quick to listen comes with Christian maturity. We must grow to be able to do these things. I pray that today God enables you to speak LIFE with your tongue and claim His promises over your life! Amen.

Adannah Ironnah is a Minister at Rising Generation,  Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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