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Living by Faith: Embracing God’s Word and Manifesting His Promises

Living by Faith: Embracing God’s Word and Manifesting His Promises

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

“And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.” Luke 24:11

The only way to relate to an unseen God is through His word. We learn and understand about God through reading his word. God and his word are one, what he says is what he does. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” If we want to really know God, we have to know the word because the word is God. The word will reveal God to us. He will never violate His word. God’s word is what he does and what he’s going to do. We know his character through His word.

The belief and teachings of Jesus Christ emphasize that he is the exclusive pathway to a relationship with God. Jesus himself stated that no one can approach the Father except through him. He is the foundation upon which our faith is built. Good works hold significant importance and they should be our aspiration. Engaging in good works brings its own benefits and rewards. It is essential to prioritize good works since we were created in Christ to pursue them, as God has planned for us to do so. If we neglect good works, we are deviating from our new nature in Christ and not living in accordance with it.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that our own goodness or works cannot be the basis for our connection with God. We cannot establish a relationship with God solely through our merits, as it would undermine the significance of Christ’s sacrificial work on the Cross. It is vital to remember that forgiveness of our sins is only possible through the shedding of Jesus’ blood. Therefore, our relationship with God is solely based on faith in the Lord Jesus. We do not approach God with any personal recognition or accomplishments but solely in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Believing in Jesus Christ as the only way to God and recognizing the insufficiency of our own righteousness is crucial in our faith. Some individuals may erroneously believe that their titles, works, and demands within the Church entitle them to recognition before God. However, our righteousness is like filthy rags, and it is only through Christ that we are made righteous and can approach the Father. Studying the Word of God diligently allows us to grasp the reality of God as revealed through His Spirit.

God’s Word is faithful, as exemplified in the story of Abraham who believed in God’s promise against all odds. When we take God’s Word seriously and have unwavering faith, God manifests His promises, already fulfilled in Christ, in our lives. Faith is not merely intellectual belief; it is demonstrated through our actions and words. During challenging times, our faith is tested, and we must stand firm on God’s Word to see it come to fruition. Those who consistently believe in God’s promises are able to witness His glory and experience the limitless possibilities He offers.

Salvation, a gift from God, is not earned through our good works. It is bestowed by God’s grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we cannot boast about our salvation, as it is not a reward for our efforts. This truth should humble us and remind us of our dependence on God’s grace.

Unfortunately, some Christians struggle with fully believing in the Word of God. The parable in Matthew 13 highlights the importance of having an open and teachable heart to receive revelation. Merely quoting Scripture and listening to sermons without corresponding actions and life transformation indicate a lack of genuine understanding. To truly comprehend God’s Word, we need to be teachable, seek understanding, and ask God to open our eyes of understanding. Being intentional about reading and listening to His Word allows it to direct us to Christ Jesus.

The story of Mary and Martha demonstrates the significance of treasuring God’s Word. Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, absorbing His teachings, while Martha became distracted by household chores. Jesus affirmed Mary’s choice, emphasizing that the spiritual nourishment gained from His words is more important than mundane tasks. Often, we find ourselves caught up in worldly distractions, losing sight of our relationship with God. Our walk with God should take priority, and studying His Word helps us know Him intimately and build a strong faith that overcomes challenges and the deceptive values presented by the devil, including religious practices that deviate from the Word of God.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey

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