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Nurturing Spiritual Growth: Moving Beyond Spiritual Infancy

Nurturing Spiritual Growth: Moving Beyond Spiritual Infancy

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel 

1 Peter 2:2 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation”

As believers, one of our primary responsibilities is to nurture and cultivate our spiritual growth. Just like a minor who may have the potential and gifts from God, without maturity, they cannot effectively utilize and execute them. Remaining in a state of spiritual infancy can put us at a significant disadvantage, as spiritual babies lack the capacity to engage in battles and conquer challenges. This dependency on others for almost every aspect of life prevents us from living up to our full potential and purpose in Christ.

To fully grasp the implications of remaining spiritual babies, we must understand the characteristics that define this state. A spiritual baby is akin to a natural baby in the sense that they lack knowledge and understanding of Christ Jesus. Just as a newborn cannot comprehend worldly facts, a spiritual infant may consume the simple and basic truths of the Gospel but lacks the ability to delve deeper into the profound wisdom contained in Scripture. Unlike a mature believer who meditates on the word of God, a spiritual baby does not fully grasp the value and significance of studying the scriptures thereby, hindering their growth and development.

Spiritual babies often play with “fancy toys,” seeking immediate gratification and temporary pleasures rather than focusing on what truly matters in their spiritual journey. Consequently, they become dependent on pastors and spiritual leaders for prayers and guidance, looking to others to discern God’s will instead of developing a personal relationship with Him. They may seek prophets for predictions and revelations and are not yet attuned to recognizing the voice of God speaking to them directly.

Spiritual babies may be controlled by their senses and emotions rather than being led by the Holy Spirit. Their focus leans more toward the material and carnal aspects of life, leaving them unaware of the profound spiritual realities that exist in Christ. Such individuals may struggle to distinguish between right and wrong and lack stability in their faith, easily swayed by every new teaching or doctrine that comes their way.

The allure of miracles may captivate a spiritual baby, but they may overlook the miracle worker, Jesus Christ, from whom all blessings flow. Being enamored by the supernatural can distract them from the truth and the essence of a relationship with Christ. Furthermore, spiritual babies may not fully grasp their identity and privileges as members of God’s spiritual family. This lack of understanding deprives them of tapping into the abundant blessings and spiritual inheritance available to them through their union with Christ.

The dangers of being a spiritual baby lie in their vulnerability to deception. The enemy uses the power of suggestion and imagination to infiltrate their minds and influence their decisions. These false images presented to them may appeal to their natural senses, leading them astray from the truth revealed in God’s word. As believers grow spiritually, they learn to discern the true picture and rely on the word of God as their ultimate guide and source of truth.

The Bible holds the answers to life and godliness, offering wisdom and guidance for every situation. Diligently following Christ’s teachings leads to a deeper understanding of life from God’s perspective. the Bible outlines the steps to obtain God’s promises and serves as a lamp to guide believers in their daily lives.

Growing spiritually involves feeding on a good diet of God’s Word. Just as children need nutritious food to grow healthy and strong, believers must partake of the spiritual nourishment provided by scripture. Starting with the foundational truths, similar to consuming milk, they should seek to understand the Gospel of grace and seek guidance from seasoned mentors who can help them grow in faith and be firmly rooted in Christ.

The key to spiritual growth lies in knowing Christ more intimately. This knowledge allows believers to experience the reality of His grace and sufficiency in every aspect of life. As they deepen their understanding of Christ, they become more stable, firmly anchored in His truth, and secure in their identity as complete in Him.

Studying the Scriptures is a crucial aspect of feeding on the spiritual food needed for growth. Investing time in understanding God’s Word demonstrates a genuine desire to know Him better and opens the door for the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ in more profound ways.

Additionally, believers must be doers of the word, not merely hearers. Putting God’s truth into action makes it real and tangible, leading to further revelation and growth. Walking in love, extending forgiveness, and living out the Gospel are essential aspects of spiritual growth and maturity.

Praying for others is a significant sign of spiritual growth. As believers develop a heart of compassion and love, they intercede for others, including fellow believers, all people, and those in positions of authority. These prayers reflect a heart aligned with God’s will, seeking His plans and purposes for the world.

As spiritual growth takes root, believers distance themselves from carnal things and become more attuned to the things of God. The love of God increasingly controls and guides their lives, leading them to embrace a life of victory and transformation in Christ Jesus. Praise God for the ongoing process of growth and maturity in the life of every believer!

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor at the Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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