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Transformed in Faith: Becoming Christ-like

Transformed in Faith: Becoming Christ-like

By Pastor Uche Ezeanya

Galatians 2:20 “My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!”

God wants the best for us, showering us with His love and making us His focus. His main goal is to lift us from a state of feeling trapped to being cherished as His children. But following the world’s rules just keeps us stuck. So, putting our trust in Him is really important. This way, we can break free from ordinary living and embrace the freedom that comes from being more like Christ.

The verses in Colossians 2:6-10 guide us along this journey. They encourage us to walk closely with Jesus, matching our actions to His character. It’s like growing strong roots in a tree, making our faith solid and grounded. And that faith should make us really thankful. They also warn us not to fall for empty ideas or thoughts that people come up with. Instead, we should stick to what Jesus teaches, because that comes from God.

Lots of people today prefer hearing comforting messages instead of challenging truths. But our faith becomes strong when we keep hearing God’s words. The more we dive into them, the stronger our faith becomes. Knowing we’re complete in Christ helps us stay firm in His life-changing words.

Think of ourselves like containers carrying something incredibly precious—Christ Himself. His presence in us makes us shine with God’s glory. From the moment we start following Christ, we begin to understand the light we carry. This understanding is like a starting point for change, making us more and more like Christ. When others see this change in us, it can inspire them to want the same transformation. The big goal is to let our thoughts, words, and actions be like Christ’s.

God wants us not only to look like Christ but also to keep growing in Him. As believers, we should aim higher than just what we want and instead focus on what God wants. Galatians 2:20 says something amazing. It talks about how our old way of living is gone and now it’s like Christ is living in us. It’s a change that comes from Christ working through us, making us one with Him. This change is all thanks to the strong faith of God’s Son, who showed His love by sacrificing Himself for us.

Our journey as Christians isn’t just copying Christ, but letting Christ live through us. This means showing His character in everything we do. Romans 12:2 talks about changing the way we think, like upgrading our minds. This change happens when we get into God’s words. It helps us see things the way He does.

By upgrading our thinking, we grow spiritually. God’s words shape us and make us more like Christ bit by bit. Remember, God already planned for us to be like Christ even before we were born. Romans 8:28-29 is a reminder that God works everything for good. If we love God and follow Him, He transforms us to be more like His Son. This transformation is part of His big plan, where Christ becomes the most important in our lives.

Our main aim as God’s creations is to make Him happy. Becoming like Christ is something the Holy Spirit inside us helps with this transformation and it only happens as we connect with God’s word. Philippians 2:13 tells us that it’s God who makes us want to do good things. His work in us makes us able to do what pleases Him. In short, God wants us to be like Christ. It’s all about growing in faith, being transformed by God’s words, and letting the Holy Spirit work in us. This transformation doesn’t happen all at once—it’s a lifelong process that helps us show the world who Christ is and what He has done for us.

Pastor Uche Ezeanya is a serving Pastor at Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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