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Unlocking Spiritual Growth Through God’s Word

Unlocking Spiritual Growth Through God’s Word

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

Matthew 13: 15 “For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.”

It’s possible to be a believer for many years without fully grasping the things of God. Your spiritual growth may remain stunted when you lack a deep connection with the Word. To experience a fruitful prayer life, it’s crucial to actively engage with God’s Word. Understanding the Word should come from the heart, not just the mind. Mere intellectual discussions of the Bible won’t lead to spiritual growth. You might have a great intellectual understanding and even quote scriptures, but it means little until it reaches your heart and spirit. The Word, when it penetrates your heart, leads to revelation, and that’s how your life transforms.

God often communicates His guidance and instructions to us, but many believers struggle to comprehend because they don’t prioritize God’s Word. Your spiritual journey can’t progress without a strong foundation in the Word. Hebrews 5:11-12 states that some believers have been in the church for a long time and should be mature enough to teach others, but they still need basic instruction in God’s Word. They are like spiritual infants needing milk, not solid food.

Apostle Paul observed that many long-time believers still need to be taught because they don’t listen to God, making it difficult for them to carry out His instructions. Instead of hearing from God, they seek prophecies and guidance from others. They live in fear and instability because they don’t rely on the one stable entity: God, who is unchangeable. These signs indicate a lack of spiritual growth, primarily due to neglecting the study of the Word.

To grow as a believer, you must listen to God through His Word and promptly obey Him, not reluctantly. This is the way to earn God’s trust to handle greater responsibilities. Luke 16:10 underscores the principle that faithful management of what you’ve been given leads to greater trust and responsibility. Pray for God to reveal areas where you may be unfaithful and make adjustments with the help of the Holy Spirit.

A baby Christian is ruled by their own emotions, and feelings, and is easily offended. They may neglect giving and need reminders to be generous to the poor. Babies tend to be self-focused by nature, not sharing with those in need, and when they do, they expect recognition. Their prayers are often self-centered, neglecting broader concerns. God won’t entrust eternal treasures or spiritual responsibilities to a spiritual infant.

God prioritizes integrity before entrusting more to you, and He discerns the heart of every person. He won’t entrust Kingdom resources to those who might misuse them. If you aspire to take on greater responsibilities in the Kingdom, focus on your spiritual growth by diving into the Word of God and allowing it to transform your heart and actions.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of the Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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