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The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Pt. 2

The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Pt. 2

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

2 Corinthians 3:6 “Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. “

The above Bible verse delves into the significance of the written laws of Moses, which serve as a testament to humanity’s inherent flaws and transgressions, ultimately leading to condemnation and death. It explains that everybody is prone to sin and thus faces judgment and mortality. However, Jesus Christ intervenes with grace, offering forgiveness for sins through His sacrificial death. Despite sin’s inherent consequence of death, God extends the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation and the path to eternal life is revealed through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1: 8-11).

On the other hand, the term “Spirit” refers to the Holy Spirit, who illuminates the pathway to life through faith in Jesus Christ alone. First and foremost, the Holy Spirit facilitates the forgiveness of sins under Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice, wherein He bore the full weight of humanity’s transgressions. This act of atonement liberates believers from the repercussions of sin, including death.

The Holy Spirit bestows the gift of eternal life in place of death, as the sins that once warranted death are pardoned through the shed blood of Jesus. These revelations are facilitated by the Holy Spirit, who lights the hearts of believers with the knowledge of God’s glory through Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Another significant benefit of Jesus’ death, as revealed by the Holy Spirit, is the assurance of peace with God and the restoration of our relationship with Him. Through Christ, believers are no longer viewed as enemies but are embraced as sons and daughters of God. Romans 5: 1-2 affirms this truth, stating that through faith in Jesus Christ, believers are justified and thereby have peace with God. This peace grants believers access, by faith, into the grace wherein they stand, and it fills them with hope for the glory of God. Likewise, Ephesians 2:17  says that Jesus brought the Good News of peace to both Gentiles and Jews, bridging the divide between them.

Now, through the Holy Spirit, all believers have access to the Father, regardless of their background or heritage. As a result, Gentiles are no longer strangers or foreigners but are welcomed as fellow citizens and members of God’s family. The covenant of peace remains effective for all times because the blood upon which it is established retains its efficacy indefinitely and does not require repetition.

Heb 9:26-28 “For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

We can now approach God confidently and enjoy fellowship with our loving Father. As Hebrews 4:15-16 says, our high priest, Jesus, understands our weaknesses and temptations because He experienced them Himself, yet remained sinless. Therefore, we can boldly approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

We have the opportunity to experience intimacy with the Holy Spirit and share our lives with Him now. Just like Enoch and Noah walked closely with God in the Old Testament, believers can also cultivate a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. Believers need to grasp that there is now complete peace between them and God, achieved through the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. Jesus served as the ultimate sacrifice, mediating this everlasting peace once and for all. As believers, we must not doubt God’s word but fully embrace our identity in Christ, enjoying all the privileges that Jesus has with the Father. We are united with Him in spirit and share in His divine nature.

While Moses enjoyed intimacy with God, believers in Christ have an even greater level of intimacy available to them. Through Christ’s obedience, we are made righteous and fully accepted by God as His beloved sons and daughters. Unlike Moses, who was considered a friend of God, we are members of God’s household and have access to deeper intimacy with our Heavenly Father. Every believer, regardless of status, enjoys a level of intimacy with God that surpasses that of even the greatest prophets of the Old Testament.

Some individuals abuse the privileges of being called believers. Despite claiming faith, their actions contradict their profession. They live in denial of God, showing no pursuit of Kingdom values and lacking love for God and truth. Instead, they are drawn to worldly desires because they lack the love of the Father. The Scriptures describe such individuals as corrupt, unbelieving, and detestable. They profess to know God but their lifestyles deny Him, rendering them disobedient and worthless in their actions (Titus 1:15-16, NLT).

Due to their lifestyle choices, these individuals cannot have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Scripture teaches that God is light, and those who walk in darkness cannot claim fellowship with Him. If they profess fellowship with God while walking in darkness, they are deceiving themselves and not living according to the truth. But those who walk in the light and  align their lives with God’s truth, experience fellowship with Him and receive cleansing from sin through the blood of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:5-7, KJV).

The essential factor for fostering fellowship with the Holy Spirit is to live by the truths revealed in His Word. First, we must promptly repent of any wrongdoing. This  means that we are willing to turn away from sin and align with God’s will. Secondly, be quick to extend forgiveness to others as well as oneself. Thirdly, there is a need to promptly believe in God’s promises and actively apply them in daily life. Lastly, consistently seeking divine guidance by asking, “Lord, what would you have me do?” without relying solely on your personal understanding. Trusting in God’s wisdom and acknowledging His sovereignty in every aspect of your life ensures that He will direct your paths.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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