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The Word of His Grace Guarantees Success

The Word of His Grace Guarantees Success

By Pastor Dorothy Emmanuel

“So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” Acts 20:32

To live in abundance and reign in life, we need a transformed mind. This is possible because Christ lives in us. Since Christ is in you, you possess the nature and life of God. You have eternal life that is in Christ Jesus. We are told to be imitators of God as his dear children in the Scriptures. Which means we are to act like God because we have the Spirit of God in us. God lacks nothing, you also don’t lack anything since we have God living in us. We can call those things that are not seen as if they were and by faith they will be as the word of God teaches us.

It is the will of the Father for us to prosper in every area of our lives, but that prosperity is dependent on the prosperity of our souls. It is only His word that can make the prosperity of our souls possible because the flesh profits nothing. By knowing God through knowing Christ, we live by the faith His words give and start to see that all things truly are possible to those who believe. This means we are for signs and wonders. We live the supernatural life powered by the Spirit of Christ in us as we can do all things through Him. We don’t have to depend on anybody else. All believers can do all things through Christ that gives us the ability. Not through another person but through Christ who lives in you right now. Spiritual babies depend on others but mature Christians know their rights and privileges in Christ and live by their own faith

You must be meek to receive the word of God and have it implanted in you. When the soul receives nourishment, it becomes easy for you to prosper all around.

We need to continue feeding on the word of God so we can keep transforming into the mature believer God desires us to be. You are complete in Christ – in marriage, business, health, academics, and all areas of life.

Christ and His word are not divided. We must meditate and give time to the word of God because that is what will transform our minds and prepare us for success. After all, God honors His word.

We must become mature in our understanding, and this takes discipline because of the many distractions in the world. Be diligent in devouring the word of God, give yourself entirely to God’s word, so your progress can be evident to all. Make conscious efforts to develop your relationship with Christ.

We must also ensure to obey the word. We should not be like a man that looks into a mirror and forgets what he looks like when he turns away. Listen to good sermons while you’re busy doing other things. Be teachable to learn the truth. The word of His grace needs to be desired more than gold, it is sweeter than honey and has a reward.

Anything you ask according to His word will be granted because His word doesn’t change or return to Him void. For this to happen you must act in faith. Cut off activities distracting you from giving attention to the word of God. It may be a challenge at first but if you persist, you will reap the reward. A wasted life is one where God’s purpose is not fulfilled, and the purpose of God is revealed as you give attention to the word.

If you plant a seed from God’s word, it will blossom. Whatever you may be going through, speak the word of God over it. Submit to the word of God and He will not leave you or let you down. Feed on the word of His grace because that is what guarantees success.

Pastor Dorothy Emmanuel is the Co-Pastor at Fountain of the Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey, USA

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