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  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


By Pastor Dorothy Emmanuel

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46

When we get a revelation about what God has packaged for us, we won’t want anything to come between Him and us. That revelation will change everything for you! It will turn your life around. We are the only ones created in His likeness, to be like Him. Even when sin messed us up, He gave us the best; His Son to bring us back to Him.

The purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to seek and save the lost; to remove us from the devil’s mess. You are extremely valuable in the eyes of God. The moment you know this, God plants you like a seed to the nations, so you can tell others about what He did for you so that they also can be saved from the devil. Our willingness to yield ourselves to Him determines how you value this revelation and the assignment He has committed to you.

The investment you are prepared to make to develop a relationship with God reveals the value you put on knowing Him.

How valuable is Jesus to you? How much time do you give to Him in your thoughts, words, and actions each day? It will reveal whether you have found Him as that pearl of great price or not. What is your price tag on Jesus? We always find time for things that are important to us. If God is important to you, you will find time for Him; not just on Sundays but daily. Remember that where your treasure is there your heart will be and there you will be completely invested willingly.

Each time we raise our hands to God, we are saying, “You are my Lord, I surrender to You. You are my all in all.” So long as we are doing it from the heart, not just merely following the motion. This should reflect in our daily affairs. He is the answer to any problem you can ever think of. The sooner we realize this the better for us. We must learn to seek after God daily.

God gave us His best, Jesus Christ. God’s price tag on you and I is the blood of Jesus Christ. What depth of love! He didn’t spare His son for us means He will do anything for us. We need to be fully committed to serving God. He sent His Son to save us from all things.

Knowing Jesus intimately should be our main priority in life.

No matter how rich or influential you become in the things of the world, if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, you are missing out on the only thing that is needful above every other thing. You need to make Him the Lord indeed in your life. There will always be that void that no one or anything can fill. No matter what we pursue in life, there’s that part of us only Jesus can fill. The search for true fulfillment and satisfaction is impossible outside Jesus. No matter how much money you have and how famous you are, without Jesus you are holding on to things that will soon pass away and leaving out what will last forever.

God’s word should also be treated as a pearl. If God honors His word that much, we should learn to incorporate them into every aspect of our lives. We must esteem the word, so we can reap the benefits. Give His word first place in your life and you won’t be easily deceived. Learn to respond to the word of God promptly. Unwilling response that is grudgingly given after a long time does not do anybody any good. God loves a cheerful giver. A willing heart not grudgingly, reluctantly or of necessity or under pressure but out of love for Him.

Parents also need to prioritize the children in their care as pearls of great price. Help your children prioritize God. Invest spiritual truths in them. Let them watch you prioritize God and follow Him by your example.

Pastor Dorothy Emmanuel is the Co-Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey, USA


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