• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ

Nurturing Spiritual Growth: Moving Beyond Spiritual Infancy

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel  1 Peter 2:2 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” As believers, one of our primary responsibilities is to nurture and cultivate our spiritual growth. Just like a minor who may have the potential and gifts from God, without maturity, they cannot effectively utilize and […]

Get L.I.T (Led Into Truth)

By Minister Onyeka Emmanuel Psalm 119:105   “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  The word of God serves as both our guiding light and a lamp, illuminating the path we should take. This light leads us to the truth, enabling us to understand and embrace it. However, we become oblivious to the truth if […]

Remember Who You Are

Your identity is who God says you are, as declared in the word of God. It strengthens you and makes you unique. You are marked with the blood of Jesus and are not just a nobody; you are a child of God!


Developing a mature, vibrant Christian life is God’s expectation of every believer. Just like a parent expects their child to grow to maturity and not remain, babies all their lifetime. God expects us to grow spiritually. When we grow and mature spiritually, we can understand God’s purposes better and understand the values of life from God’s point of view and choose them over other values competing for our time and pursuit.


When Jesus was crucified, we were also crucified with Him. When He died on the cross, we died with Him too. When He was buried, we were also buried with Him. Then when He triumphed over death, that is when he resurrected, we became alive in Him with a new life.


It is important that every Christian understand and embrace all the benefits that have been given through the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus. If we don’t grow into spiritual maturity and identify what belongs to us in Christ, the devil will cheat us out of those benefits. We will end up living as mere men without the benefits of what Christ died to provide for us which makes all the difference in our lives and relationship with God.


Christians need to rediscover what really matters; Christ Jesus! They need to develop a working intimacy with Him based on true knowledge of Him and knowing His love for us so we too can love Him. That love for Him will make Him our priority in life, not what we get from Him but who He is. If we build a relationship with Him based on our love for Him, even when things do not line up, we will still love Him, because we love Him for who He is!!!

God Rewards Faithfulness

God constantly seeks faithful men to work with; those that can be trusted with eternal treasures. Men and women with proven integrity. Regardless of what is committed into their hands whether little or much, in public or in private, recognized by men or not. People who have a solid commitment to truthfulness and honesty.