Prayer – FTLWC Blog Just another WordPress site Wed, 08 Jan 2025 05:03:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Praying Effectively Wed, 08 Jan 2025 05:00:27 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

John 15: 7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”.

Jesus Christ provides us with a clear and unwavering promise. Unfortunately, many Christians neglect the importance of delving into the scriptures to learn and comprehend what they reveal about prayer. This lack of study and understanding may lead believers astray in their prayer life. Instead of following the crowd or popular figures, we should adhere to the practices prescribed by the scripture to ensure our prayers are in alignment with God’s will.

Here is an example that every Christian should follow, which is found in Acts 17:10-11 (NKJV). In these verses, Paul and Silas were sent to Berea, and they visited a synagogue. The people in Berea were commended for being fair-minded because they not only received the word readily but also diligently searched the scriptures daily to confirm the truth of what they heard.
The bible serves as our guiding light in every aspect of life, as mentioned in Psalm 119:105 (NLT), which states, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

When it comes to praying correctly and effectively, our Lord Jesus emphasized two essential conditions for consistently having our prayers answered in John 15:7. First, we must abide in Him. Second, His words must abide in us. When these two conditions are met, we are fully prepared to pray and receive answers to our prayers.

IF YOU ABIDE IN HIM: What does it mean to abide in Him, and how do we achieve this? Here are some definitions from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia and Noah Webster Dictionary:
Abide is an old English word that means to progressively “await,” “remain,” “lodge,” “sojourn,” “dwell,” “continue,” and “endure.” It also means to bear patiently.

From the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary:

  • “To rest or dwell” (e.g., Genesis 29:19).
  • “To tarry or stay for a short time” (e.g., Genesis 24:55).
  • “To continue permanently or in the same state” (e.g., Psalm 119:90).
  • “To remain, to continue” (e.g., Acts 27:31, Ecclesiastes 8:15).

In essence, to abide in Him means to await, remain, dwell, continue, and endure in His presence.
To put it simply, this condition signifies that His words should remain within us. Abiding in Him and having His words abide in us means:
Waiting patiently and trusting in the Lord’s faithfulness: This involves unwavering faith in the Lord. Hebrews 10:36-38, emphasizes the need for patience after doing God’s will to receive His promises. We should trust in Jesus, the guarantor of all God’s promises. Our confidence in prayer should rest in the Lord Jesus, who secures all the blessings of the covenant for us. We possess a “prepaid card” in His name, entitled to everything He has secured for us. It is crucial to resist the temptation to place our trust in ourselves or in anyone. Our faith should be solely in the Lord Jesus.

Let us explore an example in the Bible. The passage in Luke 18:9-14 offers an illustrative story. It tells of two individuals who went to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee who trusted in his self-righteousness and looked down on others. The other, a publican, stood humbly, acknowledging his sinfulness, and seeking God’s mercy. The lesson is clear: those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while the humble will be exalted.
Jeremiah 17: 5-8 is a reminder for us to trust no one but God. It explains that those who put their trust in fellow humans and rely on their own strength while turning away from the Lord are likened to a heath in the desert. They are unable to recognize good when it comes and live in parched, desolate places. On the contrary, those who trust in the Lord and make Him their hope are compared to trees planted near water sources. They spread their roots by the river and remain unaffected by heat or drought, continually bearing fruit.

We should heed those who guide us towards Jesus rather than themselves, as exemplified by Peter in Acts 3:12-13. When Peter and John were confronted by people who marveled at their ability to heal a man, Peter immediately clarified that it wasn’t their own power or holiness that had performed this miracle. He directed the people’s focus to the God of their ancestors, glorifying His Son, Jesus, and emphasizing the importance of faith in Him. This shows the type of individuals we should listen to – those who lead us to Jesus.

Now, let’s explore the second condition for praying successfully:

IF MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU: Here we easily see the context in which the word abide is used aligns with to sojourn, dwell, continue…These Scriptures capture the meaning very well.

Prov 4:20-23 “My son, give attention to my words;Incline your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;Keep them in the midst of your heart; 22 For they are life to those who find them,And health to all their flesh. 23 Keep your heart with all
diligence,For out of it spring the issues of life.”

Col 3:16“Let the word of Christ live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom. Apply the Scriptures as you teach and instruct one another with the Psalms, and with festive praises, and with prophetic songs given to you spontaneously by the Spirit, so sing to God with all your hearts!”

To enhance the effectiveness of our prayers, we must search for Scriptures that pertain to the specific issue we are praying about. By meditating on these verses, our faith is strengthened, making us better positioned to receive what we ask for. In essence, we need to find God’s promises that reveal our privileges in Christ concerning our prayers.

As we immerse ourselves in these Scriptures, we should do so until they become an integral part of our thinking and beliefs. These promises need to be ingrained in our hearts, becoming an unquestionable truth. This process of meditation builds our faith, enabling us to receive the answers to our prayers.
It’s important to note that these promises are not mere pledges; they are accomplished realities. The Bible, in 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NLT), affirms that all of God’s promises find their fulfillment in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” Through Christ, our “Amen” ascends to God, bringing glory.

These promises are to be embraced with faith and thoroughly enjoyed. Let’s take a look at some of these promises that assure us of access to God through Christ, our Great High Priest, who advocates for us before the Father with His atoning blood.
Hebrews 4:15-16 (NLT) portrays Jesus as a High Priest who understands our weaknesses and has faced similar tests, yet He remained sinless. As a result, we are encouraged to approach the throne of our gracious God with boldness, where we receive His mercy and find grace to help us in our times of need. This access is granted to us through our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ.

Remember that prayer is communication with God, a two-way conversation between the Father and us, His children. it is a means of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. As 2 Corinthians 13:14 beautifully states, it encompasses “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.”
In the context of prayer, “communion” denotes the exchange of intimate thoughts and feelings, particularly on a mental or spiritual level. It raises the important question of whether we truly experience this deep connection with the Holy Spirit, our guide, comforter, standby, and teacher. Do we share our innermost thoughts with Him, whether at work, in the mall, or at home?

The very purpose of prayer is to establish the divine will of God in our lives, for others, and even nations. As 1 John 5:14 says, our confidence in prayer arises when we align our requests with God’s will, knowing that He hears us. God’s actions are consistently based on His purpose, and not our human desires and intentions. Everything operates according to the counsel of His will.
Eph 1:11 “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will”.

Faith is integral to effective prayer. James 1:6-7 underscores the significance of asking in faith, for doubt is like a wave driven by the wind. A wavering individual should not anticipate receiving anything from the Lord.
James 1:6-7 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.7 For let not that man think that he
shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

The faith the receives is rooted in the Word of God, primarily found in the Gospel of our Lord.
Rom 10:17 “So faith comes from hearing, that is hearing the Good News about Christ.” So it is essential that God’s Word remains within us, as it is the wellspring of faith.

This is the blueprint for receiving from God, especially concerning our personal needs and desires. Mark 11:24 reassures us that through prayer and unwavering belief, we can obtain what we ask for. To succeed, it is crucial to hear and internalize the teachings of our Lord.
In essence, effective prayer entails abiding in God and allowing His Word to dwell within us, followed by making requests in alignment with His will, firmly rooted in faith.
So first, we abide in Him, then His words abide in us, not another word but His own alone. Then ask what you will and you will have them.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey. 

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Praying in Agreement with God’s Will Wed, 18 Dec 2024 13:41:17 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. – James 4:3

Prayer is communion with God. Praying aright simply means seeking to establish the will of God in prayer. God cannot work outside His will. If you ask anything according to His will, He answers. The Scripture says the purpose of prayer is to establish the will of God on earth, as it is in heaven, and not to establish our own pleasure at the expense of God’s will. The word of God reveals His will. so, we must take time to study his word. We should use His word as our prayer guide because the Holy Spirit will only perform the word of God.

John 15:7 “But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!”


Let us use Moses as a case study and review how he prayed to God regarding leading the children of Israel to the promised land.

Exodus 33:12-14“One day Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Take these people up to the Promised Land.’ But you haven’t told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, ‘I know you by name, and I look favorably on you.’ If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people.” The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”

Moses reminded God of what He had said to him and now asked for His presence to go with them. Moses was also asking God for the revelation of His will so he can fulfill God’s will and instruction. Always confirm that what you are asking for is approved of God and is His will. Your request should be in line with what the Lord Jesus already paid for and other things approved by the Scriptures. Then you have grounds like Moses to say this is what you said in your word about this situation, I am now asking that you do it for your own glory and that my own joy shall be full just as you said in your word.

So start by studying and meditating on the scriptures that relate to what you are praying for until it registers in your heart as true and not a mere idea.  Meditate on His word and feed on it until you see it in your spirit as true, then you are ready to pray with it but not before that. Faith to believe and receive will then be ignited.

In an emergency where you have no time to search and meditate on scriptures, the Holy Spirit will draw out of you the reservoir of His word and bring it to your remembrance. The Scriptures say He will bring all things to your remembrance. What you remember is what you already knew. An emergency situation is not the time to start searching for scriptures to use. You cannot learn to swim when you are drowning. That is what many do and they fail because they become overwhelmed by the situation.  Then they get desperate; fear comes in and they become vulnerable. This is also why it is very important to study the Scriptures ALWAYS. Don’t enter into His presence with an evil heart of unbelief. Instead, go with full assurance of the faith produced by the entrance of His word.

YOU MUST HAVE A DESIRE                                 

You may find it hard to believe but some people have no true desire when they pray, especially when they pray for others or their nation. You must prove that you need what you’re asking for, badly, otherwise, you won’t have it. If you are not really desirous of what you are praying for, how do you expect God to give it to you? To prove that you really want it, seek it with all your heart.


“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

The peace of answered prayers is truly inexplicable. the peace cannot be attributed to what we see with our natural eyes. When we insist on walking by sight, we will only create disbelief thereby destroying and weakening our faith in God. When we don’t see answers immediately, we get agitated, this shouldn’t be. Hold fast and keep that which God has given you.

When you give thanks, don’t waver. Faith and patience are inseparable. Ask in faith and wait for the manifestation of what you asked for. You are not waiting for God to do it but for it to manifest for it is already done.  Remember, “faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen yet” Hebrews 1:1. The carnal man cannot receive anything from God because unless he sees it, he does not believe. But it is more blessed to believe before you see.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey. 

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Praying by the Help of the Holy Spirit Wed, 11 Dec 2024 06:03:43 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

Ephesians 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”.

This above Bible verse encourages believers to engage in continuous and diverse types of prayer. Another translation describes it as, “praying with diverse prayers.” Unfortunately, many believers are unaware of the various types of prayers recorded and exemplified in the New Testament by the Holy Spirit. These prayers are meant for the church to pray as inspired by the Spirit according to the occasion.

The lack of knowledge about these types of prayers significantly limits the effectiveness of our prayers. Ignorance is a major factor in the failure of any endeavor. Typically, we are only familiar with a few types of prayers, and we tend to pray only those few types. This severely limits us because when different occasions call for these other types of prayers, we fall short due to ignorance. This ignorance hinders the Holy Spirit from guiding us to pray the right prayer for the situation.

As stated in Romans 8:26, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered”. So, we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us in praying the appropriate type of prayer for each occasion. The New Testament introduced diverse kinds of prayer, which became available after Jesus established the new covenant through His sacrificial death. We will explore three kinds of prayer in this blog post.

Prayer of faith seeks to change circumstances by petitioning God. It’s based on the belief that if you ask with faith, you will receive (James 5:15 and Mark 11:24). The prayer of faith depends solely on the individual’s faith. It doesn’t require the faith of others. Spiritual growth is essential because, eventually, God will hold us accountable for the teachings we’ve received, expecting us to live by faith like everyone else. Many Christians primarily pray for personal requests, focusing solely on themselves. This prayer involves asking God for something for oneself, petitioning on one’s behalf. However, the prayer of faith can also be directed towards underage children and non-Christians who lack understanding.

An example is seen in Acts 3, where Peter heals a man through his faith in Jesus’ name.
In this example, the man lacked faith and action, requiring Peter to take action on his behalf. Peter’s faith in the name of Jesus was what led to the man’s healing. The key rule of this prayer is to believe that you already possess what you’re asking for. It’s not about hoping to receive it in the future, but rather having faith that it’s already yours. This belief is what manifests the desired outcome. Faith is evidenced by action, as seen in Peter’s confidence in Jesus’ healing power. Therefore, true faith is demonstrated through corresponding actions.

Prayer of Agreement is a New Testament practice, revealed by the Holy Spirit through the Apostles, granting believers access to the keys of the Kingdom of God. This prayer allows God’s power to work on behalf of those who unite in faith. The scriptural foundation for this type of prayer is found in Matthew 18:19-20, where Jesus states that if two believers agree on earth concerning anything they ask, it will be granted by the Father. 

Several rules govern this prayer:

    • There must be at least two believers involved.
    •  The request must be specific and align with God’s will, as outlined in 1 John 5:14-15. Merely agreeing without a specific request does not constitute the Prayer of Agreement.
    • The participants must be physically present on earth.

After making the request, both parties must agree that God has answered, applying the principle of Mark 11:24, where faith precedes manifestation. In essence, the Prayer of Agreement requires believers to unite in faith, make specific requests, and affirm together that God has answered their prayers.

If one of the parties involved in the Prayer of Agreement fails to believe that the prayer has been answered, the agreement becomes void. Doubt or wavering on either side will result in receiving nothing from the Lord. James 1:6-7 emphasizes the importance of asking in faith without wavering. Those who waver are compared to waves of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. Such individuals should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Unlike the Prayer of Faith, where the faith of one person suffices, the Prayer of Agreement requires unwavering faith from both parties. If either person wavers, they will face the same consequences outlined in James 1:6-7.

UNITED PRAYER OR CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER                                                                                                         This type of prayer is commonly practiced in church meetings, involves the congregation praying together simultaneously. Notably, there is no record in Scripture of appointing one person to lead this prayer; rather, everyone prays collectively at the same time. Their unity in prayer is so profound that the Holy Spirit perceives their prayers as one, recording them as if they were spoken by a single individual.

Acts 4:24-33 depicts a Prayer of Agreement by a congregation, where they lifted their voices together in unison. The rules guiding this type of prayer are:

    • Complete agreement: All participants must be in full agreement regarding the prayers offered. This unity was evident in Acts 4:32, where believers were described in some translations as being “united in heart and mind.” They prayed with one united mind.
    • Unified prayer focus: Participants must pray for the same purpose. In this instance, they were focused on a singular goal: the preaching of the gospel. Their unity in prayer suggests the influence of the Holy Spirit, aligning them with one desire and purpose.
    • Belief in the forthcoming answer: Those praying must expect their prayers to be answered. In Acts 4, their prayers were answered powerfully because they prayed with confident expectation. If doubt exists, James 1:5-6 applies, but they anticipated the answer without hesitation. They did not pray as a gamble or to test God’s response but prayed in faith, knowing God’s will to preach the gospel.

In conclusion, whether or not we receive answers to our prayers is ultimately our responsibility, not God’s. The New Testament encourages diverse types of prayer, such as the Prayer of Faith, the Prayer of Agreement, and United Prayer. Each type requires faith, unity, and alignment with God’s will. As we grow spiritually and understand these prayers better, let’s approach God confidently, knowing He hears and answers according to His will.

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BEGINNING WITH GOD Wed, 04 Dec 2024 05:02:01 +0000

By FTLW Prayer Ministry


As we prepare for the arrival of the new year and begin fasting and praying in January, the Church has also dedicated the month of December to prayers in preparation. This means we have two months devoted to prayer. Therefore, we have put together this guide to help you engage in a time of fervent prayer and fasting.

THE PURPOSE OF PRAYERS: The purpose of prayer is for God’s will to be established here on earth and in our lives. Prayer has always been about God’s will (1 John 5:14-15). God’s will includes meeting all your needs too. This is why it is important to place great emphasis on doing the will of God in your life. Heaven recognizes you as someone who can be trusted with His will, and this makes a significant difference.

ASSURANCE OF ANSWER: The Holy Scripture reveals that God answers prayers and to Him shall all flesh come for help. Psalm 65:2. Also other Scriptures confirm this Matthew 7:9-11. “Ask and you will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.” God is faithful and true.


1. Be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6)  Do not pray anxious prayers. 

2. Find a Scripture that aligns with the promise you are praying for. In John 15:7, Jesus said, ” If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (NKJV).   

3. Meditate on this Scripture day and night to plant its seed in your heart. By meditating, you engage with the Word and the Holy Spirit who inspired it, fostering deep fellowship as you keep the Word in view and in your heart. As a result, the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of that Word to your heart, and you will come to know it—this is called FAITH! Faith comes from hearing, not just reading. As you listen to the Holy Spirit, faith will rise for the prayer topic you’re focusing on. Remember, there will be competing voices, so it is essential to fill your heart with the Word of God.

YOUR RESOURCE MATERIAL: All your inheritance in Christ and all your blessings are already yours. Therefore, seek out all the benefits of the Cross, rooted in His love for you. (1 John 4;9 Psalm 103;1-5 NKJV); His Grace (Titus 2:11); and His Mercy (Psalm 107:1): “Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136): 

REMEMBER ALSO HIS PROMISE TO US ..(Ps 118:15-17) “Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly. The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!16 The strong right arm of the Lord is raised in triumph. The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!17 I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the Lord has done.” NLT

HIS PROMISES ARE OUR ARMOR..‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭4 ‬“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” NLT


  1. Pray for your eyes of understanding to be opened:
    “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people.”
    (Ephesians 1:18)
  2. Pray for the knowledge of His will in your life: “We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His Will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Col 1:9)
  3. Pray to be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ: Eph 3:17-19

PRAYING AND FASTING FOR 2025 Prayer should not be a ritual, but a real-time of fellowship with the Trinity; the Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It is a sacred time of intimate family discussion between a loving Father -Abba Father and His children. A father who gives liberally, James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” NKJV

MEDITATION ON THE WORD IS KEY. Spend time in the Word and meditate on those Scriptures on which you base your prayers and faith. Always find Scriptures that promise you what you are praying about. (John I5:7)

MAKE DEFINITE REQUEST SUCH THAT YOU CAN IDENTIFY THE ANSWERS WHEN THEY MANIFEST. Make definite requests, not a generic prayer. Ask in such specific terms that when the answer comes you can identify it. If for instance, you are asking for a blessing. the question will be, “what particular blessing?”. God wants to know exactly what you want Him to do for you. (Matthew 20:9-33). 

WHEN DO I STOP ASKING?  Stop when you have inward peace that the answer has been granted. Switch to thanksgiving and do not waver. You pray until you have that inward assurance that the answer has come; then stop asking and start praising God. Let your ‘yea be yea'”… If you believe He has answered you, then remain steadfast, giving glory and honor to His name, until it manifests physically, (James 1: 6-7). 

FASTING: Fasting is not a payment for what God gives. We always receive freely as the Bible says; there are no specific instructions in the Bible on how long to fast or how many meals to skip. We see that people miss meals during their fasting but there is no instruction in the Bible from the Old Testament to the New on how long a fast should last or how many meals to miss. Therefore it is up to you and the Holy Spirit on how you want to fast.

NOTE: We do not recommend fasting for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Infants and children and all minors (there are child abuse laws and we are commanded to obey those in authority). Those using medication; should please consult their doctors as to how to fast without aggravating their situation. If you have a medical condition please consult your doctor and do not fast until you have sought medical advise and clearance. Also the elderly may not engage in fasting. Make sure you are adequately hydrated during this fast.

SEVERE AND LONG FAST    Long fasts must be done only if the LORD GIVES THAT INSTRUCTION; never fast on presumption. Fasting does not change God, for God does not change. Fasting does not take the place of Jesus Christ as the only way to God. Fasting does not eliminate the need to pray in Jesus’ name because only faith in Christ opens the door to Heaven; His name alone has authority and recognition in heaven. We come to God trusting in the Blood of the Lamb and the Name of Jesus and, not in our good works and holiness. John 14:6 : “Jesus told him, ” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me” NLT

Heb 10:19And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20 By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place.” NLT

Once again, remember to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done. “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7.

If you need additional assistance, such as finding appropriate Scriptures or seeking further clarification, please contact the Prayer Ministry Team via email: E-mail: and  Tel: (862) 235-9852 


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BELIEVE GOD Wed, 11 Sep 2024 12:40:45 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

“When He came in, He said to them, “Why make this commotion and weep? The child is not dead, but sleeping.” And they ridiculed Him. But when He had put them all outside, He took the father and the mother of the child, and those who were with Him, and entered where the child was lying. 41 Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” Mark 5:39-41

A ruler named Jairus requested Jesus to come and heal his dying daughter. While Jesus was on His way, the ruler’s servant brought news that the girl was dead. Jesus still went ahead to the ruler’s house where He met mourners. He told them that the girl was only sleeping and not dead but they laughed at Him. Laughing at the word of God means you have rejected it and as such, it won’t have any effect in your life. Unbelief hinders God in our lives for two cannot walk together unless they agree. 

Mark 6: 3-6 “Then they scoffed, “He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him.4 Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.” 5 And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any mighty miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 And he was amazed at their unbelief”


    1. One way to deal with unbelief is to put away those who laugh at the word of God and make a mockery of your faith. They are not your enemies, but they make the word of God of no effect in your life.  Psalm 1:1-2 “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night”

    2. Be careful of what and how you hear. That is what our Lord Jesus taught us. Judge all spirits by the word of God. Many well-meaning people are sometimes motivated by demons without knowing it. The goal is to derail your faith. They can easily plant the wrong doctrine into your heart.

An example of this is found in Matt 16:21-23 “From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead.22 But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!”23 Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”

Peter tried to talk Jesus out of fulfilling His mission for mankind. He didn’t know he was motivated by demons!!! It still happens today. Watch and pray. Be very careful what you believe. Let the Scriptures alone be your umpire. At the mouth of two or three witnesses of the Scripture shall every word be established. Do not put any human above what is written in the Scriptures. Scripture is what builds genuine faith in Christ Jesus. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word about Christ Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

    1. Do not let the devil manipulate your emotions and make you take matters into your own hands thereby disregarding the Lord and disobeying the word of God. When your emotions are charged up, it is difficult to listen to anything. The scriptures could be read verbatim to you but, you just can’t listen at that point. When your emotions are under control by the enemy of your soul, you are walking in unbelief. He can make you sad, make you doubt, and only see hopelessness. He can stir up your anger to wrath and blind you totally from the word of God. He can make you seem wise in your own eyes!! He motivates well-meaning people to provoke you to wrath, speak unbelief, murmur, or complain. He lays in wait for an open door.

Eph 4:26-27 “And don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 for anger gives a foothold to the devil.”

Speaking evil will rob you of your blessing! You need to know that so you can guard your heart diligently. Walk by faith and not by sight! Overcome evil with good.

1 Peter 3:8-12 “Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. 9 Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it. 10 For the Scriptures say, “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies.11 Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.12 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil.”

    1.  Another way to get rid of unbelief is to study and meditate on God’s word with the purpose of HEARING WHAT GOD IS TEACHING YOU AND PRACTICING IT, not just to fulfill an obligation. To focus on knowing Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith. Get away from ritualism and practices that have no basis in the New Testament Revelation of Christ Jesus regardless of how many people are doing it and what miracles you see and hear. Save yourself from this untoward generation. Walk in the word that is a lamp unto thy feet and light unto thy path. Remember that many do not take time like the Bereans to study the Scriptures and confirm whether or not what they believe is Biblical. They just join the crowd and are led straight to the darkness of lies and ignorance until such practices take deep root in them. Walk in the light of the Scriptures. Jesus Christ is the word and the truth!

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor at Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

Watch the full message below. 

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Praying by the Help of the Holy Spirit pt. 2 Wed, 21 Feb 2024 05:55:10 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel 

Ephesians 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”.

In the prior post, we reviewed three types of prayer. These prayers revealed in the Scriptures, represent a distinct category of prayers, some of which were never uttered in the Old Testament. So far, we have explored three types: Prayer of faith or petition, prayer of agreement, and united or congregational prayers. In this post, we will review the remaining types of prayers.

Prayer of Praise: The Prayer of Praise reminds us that every believer, not just the choir, has a priestly ministry to offer praise and worship to the Lord. 1 Peter 2:5 “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”

One of the  spiritual sacrifice is praise, which we offer both when gathered together and in our individual prayers. This type of prayer is not intended to petition God for change or to obtain anything; rather, its sole purpose is to praise Him. An example of ministering to the Lord through praise is found in Acts 13, where certain prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch, including Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, were engaged in praise and fasting. Their focus was solely on praising the Lord, and it was during this time of worship that the Holy Spirit spoke and directed them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for a specific work.

Prayer of Intercession: This prayer involves standing in the gap on behalf of another individual. Intercession essentially means to act as a mediator between two parties to reconcile them. Intercession is only necessary when there is a need for reconciliation. Therefore, we cannot intercede for a believer who already has peace with God through our Lord Jesus, as they have already been reconciled with God. Rom 5: 1 “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”.

In the Old Testament, (Genesis 18: 23-33) Abraham interceded for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, pleading for God’s mercy if righteous individuals are found. Similarly, in the New Testament, Paul prays for the salvation of Israel, expressing his heartfelt desire for their spiritual well-being. These prayers illustrate the act of intercession, where individuals appeal to God on behalf of others, seeking mercy and reconciliation. God is seeking individuals who will intercede in prayer for the salvation of others, rather than their destruction. His desire is for all people to be saved, prompting believers to engage in intercessory prayer to ensure the salvation of all.

Ezek 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

Prayer of Supplication: The Prayer of Supplication differs from the Prayer of Intercession. While the King James Version, and perhaps a few others, accurately translates and conveys the meaning in Paul’s letter to Timothy, many newer translations have mistakenly mixed them up, treating supplication and intercession as interchangeable. However, a careful examination of their dictionary definitions reveals that the two words are distinct and not synonymous.

1 Tim 2: 1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.KJV

In the above Bible verses, Paul distinguished between the Prayer of Supplication and Intercession. Supplication involves earnest or humble pleading. Paul instructs believers to offer supplication for fellow believers, known as saints, because they do not require intercession since they already have peace with God. In Ephesians 6:18, Paul urges believers to pray continually with all types of prayer, including supplication, for all saints. Thus, intercession is directed towards non-Christians who lack peace with God, while supplication prayers are intended for believers who already possess peace with God.

Prayer of Commitment: 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”  We are instructed to relinquish all our concerns to the Lord entirely. This type of prayer involves casting all our worries and cares upon the Lord, akin to Hannah’s example where she ceased worrying and being anxious. When we find ourselves at the end of our abilities, this form of prayer is highly recommended. By simply telling the Lord that we cast all our issues upon Him, as stated in 1 Peter 5:7, we can trust Him to handle them while we rest.

Matthew 11:28-30 further emphasizes this principle, inviting those who are burdened to come to Jesus for rest. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. The key to this type of prayer is to stop being anxious and worried. If we still carry those burdens, then we have not truly cast them upon Him. When we do, we will feel the weight lifted from us, enabling us to find peace and rest.

Praying in Togues: 1 Cor 14:14-15  “For if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays, but my mind is unproductive [it bears no fruit and helps nobody]. Then what am I to do? I will pray with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding; I will sing with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will sing [intelligently] with my mind and understanding also.”

This type of prayer is exclusive to those who are baptized by the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues serves various purposes:

    • Giving a message in church, requiring interpretation by someone gifted with the Holy Spirit’s gift of interpreting tongues.
    • Private use of tongues in prayer, commonly referred to as praying in the spirit.

The Scripture reveals that when we pray in the spirit, it is our born-again spirit praying under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in an unintelligible language. This type of prayer bypasses human limitations and enters the realm of the supernatural, as it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is the most effective form of prayer, as it aligns perfectly with God’s will, surpassing human understanding and intellect. The Holy Spirit knows God’s perfect will on any matter and prays it directly through our spirit, rendering our understanding irrelevant.

As Paul wrote all believers must pray all manner of prayers as the occasion demands and as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Knowing these types of prayers helps us yield to the Holy Spirit as He inspires any of them and makes us have confidence that they are the right prayer at the right time too.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain Of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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SEEKING THE THINGS ABOVE IN PRAYER Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:08:07 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu  Emmanuel

Col. 3:1-3 “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. “

It is a common practice for many Christians to set aside the first month of each year for fasting and prayer. The month of January is dedicated to prayer and fasting. This blog post will be centered on prayers to help guide us as we embark on fasting and prayers this month.

WHY WE PRAY, we essentially do so to establish God’s will on earth regarding our personal life, our family, nation, our church, a people group, etc.

1 John 5:14-15 “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

God does everything according to His will alone, not ours.

Eph 1:11 “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.”

Praying amiss with the wrong motive hinders our prayers.

Matt 20:20-23 “Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus with her sons. She knelt respectfully to ask a favor. 21 “What is your request?” he asked. She replied, “In your Kingdom, please let my two sons sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your left.”22 But Jesus answered by saying to them, “You don’t know what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink?” “Oh yes,” they replied, “we are able!”23 Jesus told them, “You will indeed drink from my bitter cup. But I have no right to say who will sit on my right or my left. My Father has prepared those places for the ones he has chosen.”

These individuals were engaged in prayer, similar to many who pray today. However, their intentions were self-centered, seeking to fulfill their desires rather than aligning with God’s will and bringing glory to Him. Their prayers were driven by personal motives that contradicted God’s purpose. The book of James makes it clear that praying to fulfill our selfish purpose instead of God’s purpose is praying amiss. Our purpose is to bring Him pleasure, not to seek our own satisfaction.

James 4:3 “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.”

Discovering the will of God before you pray is crucial. Scripture serves as His revealed will.  2 John 15:7 reminds us to that by abiding in Him and letting His words dwell in us, our prayers will align with His will and our prayers will be answered. Unfortunately, many individuals pray in ignorance of God’s will. Engaging in fasting and prayer without consulting Scripture on a particular issue can lead to uncertainty. Understanding what God has conveyed about a situation or challenge in the Scriptures reveals His will and the promises He has made regarding that matter. This knowledge instills confidence in prayer, as highlighted in 1 John 5:14. The confidence mentioned is rooted in praying or asking according to His will, assuring that He hears our prayers.

Moses prayed in accordance with God’s Word, bringing God’s promises into his prayers (Exodus 33:12-17). He prayed to God, saying, “this is what you have told me.” We can follow this example because God treats everyone equally, showing no favoritism. He is no respecter of persons.

We must not only concentrate on our physical needs when praying but also direct our attention to spiritual matters. We should set our affections on things above and prioritize the kingdom of God. John 6:26-27 warns us not to be overly preoccupied with perishable things like food, urging us instead to invest our energy in seeking the eternal life offered by the Son of Man, as it carries the seal of God the Father’s approval.


Now let us talk about fasting. Fasting comes with numerous benefits, but first, let us explore what fasting is not intended for. Fasting does not replace the role of the Lord Jesus in connecting with God and receiving His blessings. The only way to approach the Father is through faith in Christ Jesus, not through our efforts or any other means (Eph 2:18).

Secondly, fasting is not to seek acceptance from God. We are already accepted in Christ, and God considers us righteous based on our faith in Christ Jesus. Fasting, or any other action, is not the reason for this acceptance; it is solely through our belief in the Lord Jesus that God regards us as righteous (Romans 3: 23-25).

Thirdly, whether you eat or abstain from food does not bring you closer to God or earn His approval. As mentioned earlier, it is faith in Christ Jesus that makes us approved and acceptable to God, not our dietary choices. Faith in Christ Jesus is what designates us as children of God, heirs of God, and co-heirs with Christ, not fasting.

1 Cor 8; 8 “It’s true that we can’t win God’s approval by what we eat. We don’t lose anything if we don’t eat it, and we don’t gain anything if we do.”

Everything God grants us is a gift and cannot be purchased, as Jesus has already paid the price for all of them. Any attempt to pay for these gifts would deny us access to them and undermine the role of the Lord Jesus in providing them (Acts 8:20-21). Fasting does not alter God or His Word. God remains unchanged both before and after your fast, and His Word remains steadfast, unaffected by the act of fasting. At times, we tend to attribute glory to our fasting rather than acknowledging God and His mercy. Yet, it is by the Lord’s mercy that we are not consumed.

So, what then are the benefits of fasting? Fasting has tremendous benefits and it is highly recommended as inspired by the Holy Spirit. We cannot minimize the benefits of fasting. All over the Scriptures we see many people fast and get results. Fasting serves as supplication in prayer, involving the humble pleading for specific requests. Supplication, as is defined as making passionate and specific requests during times of deep prayer. While prayer encompasses a broader range of topics, supplication within fasting concentrates on specific needs.

Fasting involves humbling oneself before God and acknowledging the need for His intervention and guidance. When we humble ourselves, God lifts us up. Psalms 69:10 “When I wept and humbled myself with fasting, I was jeered at and humiliated.”

Fasting helps subdue our flesh so that our spirit can take precedence. The flesh often acts as an obstacle to effective prayer. When the flesh is nourished, it becomes energized and fully active, potentially hindering spiritual engagement. Denying the flesh through fasting weakens its influence, allowing the spirit to dominate.

Think of athletes who carefully manage their food intake before competing to perform at their best. Imagine running a sprint race with a belly full of fufu and Okra soup. I think your full belly will slow you down. Similarly, prayer requires serious engagement of your spirit and total focus. Remember the Bible says that “The flesh will profit nothing”. So, when we pray, we want our spirit to be in control, not our physical desires. Denying the flesh through fasting weakens its influence, allowing the spirit to dominate. Our spirit man does not eat natural food.

Fasting helps us practice self-control over our physical desires. Exercising discipline is highly beneficial in spiritual activities such as prayer.

1 Cor 9: 26-27 “So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”

May God bless, strengthen, and enable us all as we fast and pray fervently and effectively especially this month and always. Amen!

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey. 

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SEEKING THE THINGS THAT ARE ABOVE Wed, 08 Nov 2023 13:00:28 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

Col. 3:1-3 “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. “

The purpose of following the Lord Jesus, as outlined in John 6:26-27, is to shift our focus from perishable earthly concerns to directing our energy towards seeking the eternal life offered by the Son of Man. This is because God the Father has bestowed His seal of approval upon Him. This instruction is further emphasized in Matthew 6:33, where we are guided to prioritize seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness above all else, with the promise that all other necessary things will be provided as well.

John 6:26-27 “But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval.” 

Matt 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

We can seek heavenly matters through two primary means: the study of God’s word and prayer. Our prayer list can serve as an indicator of whether our values are more aligned with spiritual or worldly priorities. More often than not, our prayer lists predominantly revolve around our physical needs, with less attention given to our spiritual well-being, contrasting with Paul’s prayers for the Church.
In Galatians 4:19, when Paul talks about going through “labor pains,” he’s saying he cares deeply for these people, like a parent caring for their child. His concern is that they become more like Christ. In Colossians 2, Paul shares how much he’s worried and cared for the people he’s writing to, even if he’s never met them in person. He wants them to feel encouraged, connected by love, and to understand God’s plan, which is all about Jesus. He warns them not to be misled by clever arguments.

So, what’s the main idea here? Paul’s prayers and concerns are all about spiritual values. He believes that if we get our spiritual lives right, everything else will work out fine. It’s like getting the foundation of a building strong so that the whole structure stands firm.
Paul also reminds us that there are powerful spiritual forces at work, even though we can’t see them. Ignoring our spiritual well-being is like missing out on a valuable source of wisdom and help. Paul’s message is clear: focus on your spiritual growth because what you see in the physical world is temporary. But your spiritual growth lasts forever, and that’s what really matters. So, like Paul, we should care deeply about our spiritual well-being and that of others.

2 Cor 4:18 “So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”
So, what does the above verse mean for our prayers? We often misunderstand prayer because we’re not taught to prioritize what God values. We need to learn what kind of prayers align with these scriptures. This passage guides us: our prayers should be about seeking God’s will and the heavenly, invisible realities of His Kingdom. In simple terms, it means seeking God’s will in our prayers.

The right motive for our prayers should be to establish God’s will on Earth, in our lives, families, and nations. When you pray with motives like wanting more material possessions or pleasures just for yourself, it’s the wrong approach. Prayer is not meant to be selfish; it’s about bringing God’s Kingdom influence into our world, aligning our lives with His will. We should pray to see God’s will and His Kingdom established here, just as Jesus taught us. If we don’t do this, we’re missing the point of prayer, and it won’t serve our best interests.

One significant benefit of praying is that we can bring God’s will into every situation we encounter.
Our prayers encompass various aspects, including supplications, general prayers, intercessions, and expressions of gratitude. These prayers should be extended to all people, including kings and those in authority, aiming for a tranquil and virtuous life. This practice is not only considered good but also pleasing in God’s eyes. When we pray in this way, we can expect to live in peace, and many individuals will have the opportunity to discover the truth found in Christ.

God’s actions are always in line with His will, and this is an important truth to remember.
In Christ, we have received an inheritance, and this was determined according to the plan of the One who directs all things in harmony with the purpose of His will ( Ephesians 1: 11). Therefore, through prayer, we activate God’s power to shape circumstances in alignment with His will.

Failing to pray in alignment with God’s will means we miss out on His blessings. 1 John 5:14-15 explains, that our confidence in God lies in asking in accordance with His will, which ensures that He listens to us. When we know He hears us, we can be certain that we will receive the requests we’ve made of Him. The Word of God serves as our guide to understanding His will, and it should be the foundation of our prayers, just as Jesus taught us. When we abide in Christ, and His words are ingrained in us, our requests align with His will. His Word is like a lamp, illuminating our path even in our prayers.

For example, in Acts 4:24-31, the believers prayed in agreement with what God had previously stated. Their prayer was swiftly and powerfully answered because it was aligned with God’s will.
Moses also prayed according to God’s Word in Exodus 33:12-14. He reminded God of His promise and promptly received a positive response. While not all answers are instant, they will come as the Scriptures assure us.

To receive from God, we must have faith and confess what we believe, even before we see it.
Receiving from God relies on faith—declaring that something is yours before it becomes evident. This is the key to obtaining God’s blessings. Receiving from God requires two crucial steps: belief and seeing it become a reality. Mark 11:24 tells us that you can pray for anything and, if you truly believe you’ve received it, it will indeed become yours. So, here’s the sequence: first, believe that you’ve received it, and then you’ll witness it turning into reality. The opposite is also true—if you say you haven’t received it, you won’t have it.

Praying with faith is essential to receive anything from the Lord. Doubt hinders your ability to receive. James 1:6-8 emphasized the importance of asking with unwavering faith. When you doubt, you’re like a wave tossed by the wind, making you double-minded and unstable in all your ways. In essence, you cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord if you approach Him with doubt. Faith is the key to fruitful prayer.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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PRAY WITHOUT CEASING…A Call to Pray Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:37:07 +0000

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

“Pray without ceasing…” 1 Thess. 5:17 (NKJV)

Fountain of the Living Word church has dedicated this entire week to prayers. We are holding a prayer conference this week. This program has one simple purpose: TO PRAY. We are called to pray without ceasing. Again, the main goal is to dedicate quality time to praying fervently and effectively this week.  James 4: 16 reminds us that “the fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.” Please feel free to join us to pray for the body of Christ as you are led by the Holy Spirit. To help facilitate and guide us as we embark on this, here are a few very important points about prayer.

    • We will start off by defining prayer. Prayer is communion and fellowship with God. Prayer is like a child’s conversation with his/her father. Prayer is a two-way conversation with God. We should not only talk to Him but leave room to listen to Him. To be diligent means to be focused or not slacking about something. As believers, we must be diligent in prayers. We shouldn’t be so busy that prayer takes the back burner; when prayer should be the primary thing we ought to do daily. We need to be careful and make sure we are consistent with our prayer time because there are many other things competing for our time and attention.


    • Prayer should be more than a mere ritual. It isn’t something we do just so we can check it off on our to-do list. It isn’t just for a certain time of the day either. It is easy to get into the habit or routine of just praying at a certain time daily. There is nothing wrong with having a set time of prayer. However, it is wrong to not pray the rest of the day because we have done our morning prayers. Our prayer life should be part of our living. We must get used to doing it and not feel any pressure or burden while we are at it. Praying without ceasing means having a continuous conversation with our heavenly father. It affords us an opportunity to have limitless intimate conversations with our loving Father who is always eager to hear from us. Our daily victory is connected to your consistency in prayer.


    • Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.”  God’s word is what guides us in all things, including prayers. You cannot pray effectively if you are not giving to studying the word. We tend to get into the tradition of praying how others do or tell us to. The scripture warns us in Mark 7:8 to beware of people introducing us to traditions of men; practices that do not align with what God has said. Christians often make the mistake of not cross-checking whatever they have been taught with the Scriptures.  We should ask God how to pray and search what scripture says about prayer. Then, God will show us prayer topics to pray for and how to pray for them. God’s love compels and dominates us in everything we do including prayer.


    • Romans 8: 26 “And likewise also, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as one ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for uswith unexpressed groanings”  This verse emphatically says that we need the Holy Spirit to pray effectively. The Holy Spirit guides us in all things including prayer. He makes sure we pray in accordance with God’s will. God does not act outside of His will. Our primary concern shouldn’t be on our problems only, but instead, it should be the kingdom of God. Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. Before God even created us, He provided everything we need. His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. We receive it by faith through Christ. The things of the spirit may seem foolish to us when we have no interest in them. Spiritual blessings can seem unattainable to the carnal eye. Our spiritual blessings and riches are in Christ. God gave us the same power that raised Christ from the dead. This power is active and now works in us. We have overcome the world because the power of God lives in us.


    • Lastly, prayer not mixed with faith will not get answers. Faith only comes by hearing God’s word revealed to you. You cannot come to God with a doubting heart and expect Him to do what you are praying for.  The moment your heart goes contrary to the word of God, no matter how much you pray it will not work. You must firmly believe in God and His word before you see answers to your prayers. So, get rid of anxiety; “Be anxious for nothing”. Quit talking about the issue and pray instead! Talking about it shows that you are anxious and faithless. If you have handed the issue to God, then let Him handle it. Your mouth speaks from the abundance of your heart. Your worries can’t add hair one strand of hair to your head. Trust God with your worries; He will handle them.


May God bless, strengthen and enable us all as we take on this mantle to pray fervently and effectively especially this week and always. Amen!

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey. 

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PRAYING WITH ALL PRAYERS Pt. 2 Wed, 08 Mar 2023 06:24:38 +0000

By Chinedu Emmanuel

Eph 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”

In the previous post, prayer was defined as communion and fellowship with God. Prayer was explained as a two-way conversation with God meaning that it is important that we leave room for God to speak with us when we pray. We also reviewed five (prayer of intercession, prayer of supplication, prayer of commitment, prayer of praise and worship and prayer of consecration) of the ten types of prayer recorded in the scriptures. In today’s post, we will take a look at the other five types of prayer recorded in the bible.

6. PRAYER OF AGREEMENT:  Mathew 18:19, “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven.” When praying this type of prayer, there are a few things to keep in mind.

        • First of all, there must be at least 2 people involved.

        • As the name prayer of agreement implies, the prayer must be said by the parties involved. It is advised that one person should pray and the other listen to make sure they both agree on the prayer being said.

        • Once the prayer is said, both parties must believe that it has been answered. If there is any disagreement, it should be resolved then the agreement prayer should be said again.

        • Lastly, both parties should not continue to pray about the request anymore. They should both trust that God has answered their prayer.

        1. PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT: This is the prince of all prayers. The best of them all. When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit we receive the ability to speak in tongues. We are able to speak in a language we didn’t learn or understand. That language is inspired by the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Acts 4:2 says that “the Holy Spirit gave them the utterance” It is therefore not from the human mind. The human mind does not understand this utterance. It is called speaking in tongues. Acts 2:4 “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

This ability to speak in tongues serves two purposes. The first is to receive messages in tongues for the body of Christ. This is called the GIFT OF DIVERSE TONGUES. This is the ministry use of tongues where one is gifted to minister to believers in this  way. This now gives rise to the need to interpret what that message is so that it will be understood by believers otherwise the purpose is defeated. Some believers also have the gift of interpretation of tongues. So, when a message is given in tongues to the Church the one who can interpret gives the interpretation in the language everyone understands. The second use of tongues is private. Every believer who is baptized in the Holy Spirit can pray in tongues. Here is what the Scriptures say about it.

1 Cor 14:2 “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.”

1 Cor 14:14 “For if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays, but my mind is unproductive [it bears no fruit and helps nobody].”

No one can pray better than the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can pray the perfect will of God and the perfect prayer about anything. Also, when we pray in the Spirit we build up our spiritual self.

Jude  1:20 “But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the Spirit.”


This type of prayer is said by a congregation. The prayer points need to be explained so that everybody is in agreement. Disagreements will affect this prayer. So a careful presentation of the situation and the prayer points backed up by scriptures should be made to the congregation.  The apostle’s prayer in Acts 4: 23-31 is an excellent example. The Bible says that they prayed in one accord.


This is a type of prayer where you petition God. This prayer is a request to God. It entails stating and arguing your case before God backed up by the promises made in His word.  Our best argument to God is what He promised. God actually invited us to come and make our case to Him.

Isaiah 43:26 “Let us review the situation together, and you can present your case to prove your innocence.” NLT

Isaiah 41:1 “Listen in silence before me, you lands beyond the sea. Bring your strongest arguments. Come now and speak. The court is ready for your case.”

Moses petitioned God in prayer. He states his case to God.  See Exodus 33: 12-18.

        1. PRAYER OF FAITH

This type of prayer is said for our personal needs. A combination of prayers can be used in this prayer of faith as the Holy Spirit inspires. Mark 11:24“I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”

This is how you prepare to pray this prayer…First, you need to meditate on the relevant Scripture you are basing you prayer on until the light shines inside you to produce the faith for this prayer to work. Faith comes only by hearing the word of God. The word must be in you to give light and understanding to make this prayer very effective. The word must be alive in you not in your head but in your spirit. John 15:7 “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

A common question people ask regarding this type of prayer is when can I stop praying this prayer? How do I know when God has answered my prayers? How many times do I pray, once or more? The truth is that you will have internal peace about your request. You may also notice that you have lost the inspiration to pray for that request. These are indicators that you are done and need to change to the prayer of praise and thanksgiving. You shouldn’t gauge your answer by what you see. We do not walk by sight or feeling when dealing with the truth of God. We only walk by faith. You can not base your confidence on how you feel. Feelings change. Your confidence should be rooted in the word of God only. So look inwards not outwards for assurance of peace. Look r inside for a  knowing that God has answered.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Every believer should endeavor to know how the Spirit of God communicates with them. The more you grow in Christ the easier and quicker you know His voice just as a child grows to know the voice of their parents. Knowing His voice is part of our knowing God. PLEASE NEVER SEEK FOR AUDIBLE VOICE. DEMONS WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU.

May the Lord continue to lead us by His Spirit to pray His will in all things.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church East Orange, New Jersey

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