Praying To Get Results
We should ask God how to pray and search what scripture says about prayer. Then, God will show us prayer topics to pray for and how to pray for them. God’s love compels and dominates us in everything we do including prayer.
We should ask God how to pray and search what scripture says about prayer. Then, God will show us prayer topics to pray for and how to pray for them. God’s love compels and dominates us in everything we do including prayer.
“When you hear God’s instruction, listen, know it, meditate on it, believe it, say it with your mouth and then act on it. This is how to respond in faith; “Faith response”.
God is the Blessing from Whom all blessings come. We must therefore learn not to focus on the blessings and forget the Blessing. Where God is, the blessings flow. Without God, we can’t get any blessing; when we discount God, we will not succeed.
We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance when we pray. Life is too complex for us to go through it alone. We need Him to teach us what to pray and how to pray. God guides, instructs, and anoints us to pray and we have this confidence that when we pray in Jesus’ name mixed with our faith in Him, He answers
As believers, we need to know what we are up against and the fact that it is not a physical confrontation but a spiritual battle; the devil’s schemes and mind manipulations. The devil glories in despotic acts such as dissolving marriages, suicidal tendencies, destruction of careers, and so on. The way to deal with these acts is to fight and keep your faith;
The only fight expected of a Christian is the fight of faith. It is through this truth that you can overcome the devices of Satan. The devil will try to make you believe that the scripture is not true because he is also contending against what God has said through the word. Do not allow him to take advantage of your ignorance because in that way you give him the authority to attack you.
True deliverance from any oppression or attacks of the enemy can be addressed by the word of God and this is the only way your deliverance is guaranteed to be lasting. We need to study God’s word, so we can be skilful users of His word.
Are you an eternally conscious believer or a mere Christian? No one can answer this question for you; whether you are taking advantage of your eternal benefits in Christ or not. Unfortunately, many Christians focus only on the material things they can get from their relationship with God and fail to see the eternal things that matter most. Our focus as believers ought to constantly be on things above; eternal! […]
“No one can know God except through His Word and the works He does.”