Moving Unto Perfection: Living The New Life
The new life is eternal life. The very life of our Lord Jesus has been given to us by his presence in us. Every believer has Christ in them and also has the life of Christ.
We were saved by grace through faith. This is not of works but a gift from God. We need to have a working knowledge of our salvation. If we don’t have knowledge of our salvation, we won’t know the benefits of it. It is important to know what we’ve been saved from by receiving salvation.
Read MoreThe devil has lost his hold over you; old things are passed away and all things have been made new. You are God’s masterpiece with the same authority to perform the kinds of miracles Jesus did while on earth.
Read MoreAre you an eternally conscious believer or a mere Christian? No one can answer this question for you; whether you are taking advantage of your eternal benefits in Christ or not. Unfortunately, many Christians focus only on the material things they can get from their relationship with God and fail to see the eternal things that matter most. Our focus as believers ought to constantly be on things above; eternal! […]
Read MoreBy Pastor Chinedu EmmanuelEph 4:13 “This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. [...]
Read MoreBy Pastor Chinedu EmmanuelJohn 15: 7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”.Jesus Christ provides us with a clear and unwavering promise. Unfortunately, many Christians neglect the importance of delving into the scriptures [...]
Read MoreThe new life is eternal life. The very life of our Lord Jesus has been given to us by his presence in us. Every believer has Christ in them and also has the life of Christ.
To maintain victory over the enemy, it is important that you know who you are in Christ. The devil does not want you to have this revelation, so he will use all kinds of distractions to make sure you forget who you are. He wants you to see yourself as an object of pity when you go through challenges. The enemy wants you defeated but God wants you to pick up your identity tag and make bold of who you are. This consciousness will help you face life situations when they arise.
You must develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit so as to know how He guides you. Not everything that comes to your mind comes from God. Not all supernatural manifestations, visions and dreams are from God. Therefore, it is important that you judge everything from the scripture.
Faith comes when you hear God. By hearing God, I don’t mean an audible voice but an inward witness that you have got it. It is like a light burst into your heart and you now see it and know it to be true and real. The word has now entered your heart thereby producing faith. Inside, you have the assurance that you have received what you believed for.
Faith is not hope! Many Christians often mistake hope for faith and fail. You know those Christians by their words. They make statements like “God is going to heal me” or “God is going to do it”. They think it is faith, but that is hope. Hope is for the future, for what is yet to happen. Hope is for what you do not possess yet.
The gracious visitation of God can be traced to the story of Zacchaeus. He was described as a tax collector, who was sinful in his ways. He is a rich man whose riches were linked to extortion of money from the poor. Being a short man, when Jesus was passing through Jericho, he had to climb up a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Even in his sinful nature, he desired greatly to see Jesus. He did not hide his sinful face from Jesus, instead, he realized and believed that he needed to be saved.
Some Christians are living without their privileges as children of God. This is because they are not sure of who they really are in Christ. The phrase “children of God” is said so often that it has truly lost its meaning. It is easy to say we are children of God in a casual way, especially around other believers. But, the real question is do we really believe this? How do we really see ourselves especially when we are alone with our own thoughts?
Arrogance and pride are very dangerous in the lives of Christians because they become excuses for doing whatever the flesh wants. Pride can skew a Christian’s perspective, and prevent them from identifying the truth thereby keeping them in their state of spiritual blindness and unrepentance.
Christianity is an entirely spiritual experience. Many Christians live and operate in the carnal realm. They see everything simply as the natural senses interpret them. This lifestyle locks them up in the natural realm and makes them totally forget the world of the Spirit and by extension the reality of the kingdom of God. When your natural senses have the ascendancy and control your thinking, it blocks you from seeing the spiritual realities and accessing them.
Casual seekers don’t get much from God. Every believer must see and take the word of God as a treasure. If you do not show God that you are serious about something, He will not give it to you because you do not know the value and you will most likely abuse, neglect, or waste it. When you don’t show God that you are serious with His word, He will leave you with your wisdom and this makes you mediocre and leaves you in a very risky situation.