• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ



When Jesus was crucified, we were also crucified with Him. When He died on the cross, we died with Him too. When He was buried, we were also buried with Him. Then when He triumphed over death, that is when he resurrected, we became alive in Him with a new life.


It is important that every Christian understand and embrace all the benefits that have been given through the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus. If we don’t grow into spiritual maturity and identify what belongs to us in Christ, the devil will cheat us out of those benefits. We will end up living as mere men without the benefits of what Christ died to provide for us which makes all the difference in our lives and relationship with God.


We all have a desire to be remembered by people when we leave this world. Everyone wants to leave a legacy, a place in the history book of the world, a footprint on this earth. We want to leave a legacy that is honorable. We shouldn’t be concerned about being memorable, but rather we should want to leave a legacy that is designed and orchestrated by God.


Christians need to rediscover what really matters; Christ Jesus! They need to develop a working intimacy with Him based on true knowledge of Him and knowing His love for us so we too can love Him. That love for Him will make Him our priority in life, not what we get from Him but who He is. If we build a relationship with Him based on our love for Him, even when things do not line up, we will still love Him, because we love Him for who He is!!!


Prayer is communion and fellowship with God. Prayer is like a child’s conversation with their father. Prayer is a two-way conversation with God in which we should not only talk to Him but leave room to listen to Him. When taken seriously, prayer generates power in the life of a Christian.

Praying Aright And Not Amiss

Prayer is communion with God. Praying aright simply means seeking to establish the will of God in prayer. God cannot work outside His will. If you ask anything according to His will, He answers. The Scripture says the purpose of prayer is to establish the will of God on earth, as it is in heaven, and not to establish our own pleasure at the expense of God’s will.

God Rewards Faithfulness

God constantly seeks faithful men to work with; those that can be trusted with eternal treasures. Men and women with proven integrity. Regardless of what is committed into their hands whether little or much, in public or in private, recognized by men or not. People who have a solid commitment to truthfulness and honesty.


The words we speak have great importance. We speak life or death with our tongue. We must choose our words wisely because we will certainly reap the fruit of what we say. The tongue determines if we’re victorious or not. It also determines the course of our life. Words shape worlds! The words that come out of our mouths shape our world.