• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ

Preach and Make Disciples

Every believer has been instructed by Jesus to continue the work of preaching and making disciples of Christ. We need to deliberately talk to people about Jesus and follow them up to make them disciples. When you minister salvation to someone, call to discuss more, show genuine care, and be there for them until they are established in a church where they are taught the true word of God; a place where they are taught what Jesus died for them to have.

The Gospel of Peace; a Weapon of Warfare

Peace within is something God has given to us which no man can give us. Remember Daniel in the lion’s den? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the burning furnace? Peter who was to be killed the following day? They were all at peace when they should have been scared to death. The peace they had was beyond human understanding. Let God’s peace offered to you at Calvary guard your heart. God keeps us in perfect peace when our mind is stayed on Him and not our challenges.

Prayer; A Weapon of Warfare

Prayers not mixed with faith will not get answers. Faith only comes by hearing God’s word revealed to you. You cannot come to God with a doubting heart and expect Him to do what you are praying for. The moment your heart goes contrary to the word of God, no matter how much you pray it will not work. You must firmly believe in God and His word before you see answers to your prayers.

Living From Heaven Not From The World

You must transcend the thinking that you are a mere human and begin to see yourself as a superhuman created to be like God, a son of God seated with the Lord in heavenly places so you can function in God’s realm. There is no impossibility in the spirit realm. All things are possible there.
We are created to be like God, we are spirits, born again meaning born of the Spirit of God and not of this world. We are citizens of God’s kingdom. We live from above; that is from heaven. Our methods are not their method. Focus on your government as ambassadors of Christ. You are citizens of heaven appointed to do the will of God on earth.