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Prayer; A Weapon of Warfare

Prayer; A Weapon of Warfare

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

“Above all, taking the shield of faith with which, you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saint”  Ephesians 6:16 -18

The devil  is constantly on our heels to ruin our lives, faith, and deceive us. He does everything to make us disbelieve what Jesus’ death has made available to us. The bible in John 10:10 called him a thief because he comes to rob us of our blessings. To remain victorious we need to remind ourselves of the following important truths:

  • That this enemy is under our feet. This means that you are engaging him from a position of strength, not weakness. Many believers spend time fighting the devil that is already conquered; you don’t fight a defeated enemy. When it comes to spiritual authority, you are higher than him. Ephesians 1:21-22.
  • That the devil has been defeated therefore, do not give him the honor that he doesn’t deserve. Walking by the sinful flesh empowers the devil, and any believer who is living by his sinful selfishness; the old life of self has given access to the devil. Sin which is really yielding to your sinful nature of flesh will make you lose your authority over him and believe his lies. There is no truth in him; he has been a murderer from the beginning. John 8:44.
  • If you desire to please God, you must remember that without faith that is impossible to do so. Therefore do not focus on your works because they are not the author and finisher of your faith. But focus on the Lord Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. That enables us to live a life that pleases God; the life Jesus lives through us. We cannot please God by our works. Walking by sight is focusing on our work and on our wisdom. This displeases God because we then discount Him and want to get along without Him. He wants us to have faith in Him instead of depending on our ability and determination or our human senses and wisdom to figure life out.
  • Never agree with the devil no matter how good his suggestion are. Don’t endorse what he is whispering to you because what he will do to you will be worse than the temporary persecution you will get for standing on the solid truth of the word of God. Regardless of the pressure do not repudiate the gospel truth on which you stand. Instead, ensure you align your belief with God’s word. Keep the confession of what God has said firm and He will confirm it. He honors His word. Never waver!!  If you do you side with the devil and he has you where he wants you. Remember two can not walk together unless they agree.

 We are  encouraged to pray always (Luke 18:1). The purpose of prayer is not only to defeat the enemy but to establish the will of God on earth. Man’s wisdom is limited, that’s why we need God always.

Prayer is also having a conversation with God about your desires and not a monologue . If you want God involved in whatever you are doing, ask Him for His will in prayer first before making a move. Then  you will  hear from Him as He speaks to you through your spirit man or through His word as you study it. Never seek audible voices never or the devil will find a way to accommodate your expectations. Also, ask Him to teach you how to get the result you desire. This was exactly what Moses did when he asked God to go with Him on an assignment God sent him. Don’t step out on your own and later invite God to join the journey. He comes first!

Good counsel from our spiritual leaders can help if they are spirit led people and not a mere religious zealots. Spiritually immature believers follow pastors and prophets’ without vetting them with the written word of God. They swallow everything like babies without checking  if they align with the written scriptures. They are like Samuel who kept going back to Eli when God was speaking to him (1 Sam 3:7). If you want to know God’s voice, spend time with Him in His word and  prayer . Walk in His truth always. Be a doer of His word  and not a hearer only. It is important that your prayers are based on the scriptures, not on your personal  self will or wisdom. Let God’s word be your guide not only when you face obstacles and challenges but when you pray also.

Prayers not mixed with faith will not get answers. Faith only comes by hearing God’s word revealed to you. You cannot come to God with a doubting heart and expect Him to do what you are praying for.  The moment your heart goes contrary to the word of God, no matter how much you pray it will not work. You must firmly believe  in God and His word before you see answers to your prayers.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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