• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ

Walking With God

God is close to those who draw near to Him. Unfortunately, many believers do not get to this level because of lack of faith and double mindedness. If you want to remain close to God, you must love what He loves and hate what He hates. Two cannot walk together unless they agree. Repentance aligns us up to be in sync with God. If you don’t take repentance seriously, then you can part ways with God and not even realize it.

Growing Spiritually (Pt. 2)

God desires to see us grow and mature in Him because that way we won’t be easily swayed by every wind of doctrine. When we run after what is not the truth, we waste our time. The truth will remain the truth and you can’t benefit from what is not the truth. We need to grow spiritually, especially in these last days where the devil is churning out all manner of deceit. Even the elect can be deceived.

Growing Spiritually

As believers, we owe it to ourselves to grow spiritually. A spiritual minor may be the lord of the house and have all the gifts of God but will not be able to execute them until he matures. He is not different from a servant as long as he remains a child. When we choose to remain spiritual babies, it puts us at a disadvantage. Babies can’t fight or win battles. When you depend on people for almost everything, you will not be able to live your best. Practice makes perfect.