• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


The gracious visitation of God can be traced to the story of Zacchaeus. He was described as a tax collector, who was sinful in his ways. He is a rich man whose riches were linked to extortion of money from the poor. Being a short man, when Jesus was passing through Jericho, he had to climb up a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Even in his sinful nature, he desired greatly to see Jesus. He did not hide his sinful face from Jesus, instead, he realized and believed that he needed to be saved.


Some Christians are living without their privileges as children of God. This is because they are not sure of who they really are in Christ. The phrase “children of God” is said so often that it has truly lost its meaning. It is easy to say we are children of God in a casual way, especially around other believers. But, the real question is do we really believe this? How do we really see ourselves especially when we are alone with our own thoughts?


Christianity is an entirely spiritual experience. Many Christians live and operate in the carnal realm. They see everything simply as the natural senses interpret them. This lifestyle locks them up in the natural realm and makes them totally forget the world of the Spirit and by extension the reality of the kingdom of God. When your natural senses have the ascendancy and control your thinking, it blocks you from seeing the spiritual realities and accessing them.