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Preach and Make Disciples

Preach and Make Disciples

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.

Every believer has been instructed by Jesus to continue the work of preaching and making disciples of Christ. We need to deliberately talk to people about Jesus and follow them up to make them disciples. When you minister salvation to someone, call to discuss more, show genuine care, and be there for them until they are established in a church where they are taught the true word of God; a place where they are taught what Jesus died for them to have ;eternal life. They should be taught eternal life … freedom from the kingdom of satan and accepting their new home in the family of God as members of God’s family. They should know their rights and privileges in Christ Jesus. They are taught to love God with all their heart and be rooted and grounded in the faith that is in Christ Jesus alone.

There are many methods you can use to reach out to unbelievers. You can start by being their friend. There is always someone ready to give their life to Christ. They just need someone to lead them. We believers have disobeyed Jesus for too long by not going out to preach the gospel.

You can also tell people what Jesus has done for you; testimony. He has done a lot for you. He brought you peace, life, shelter, and much more, yet you haven’t told anyone. The Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom to know which method to use to speak to different people. He will help you identify who is ripe to listen and accept the gospel of Jesus. When you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, the process becomes easier and smoother. There will be no need to force it. Only the Lord can open the door, don’t force it open.

Believers need to understand that evangelism is not as difficult as they assume, except when one is not being led by God.  Also, when people come to you for help or share their challenges with you, ask them if they would like you to pray for them. Quietly pray without touching them or shouting at the top of your voice. This is also evangelism. It is not an opportunity to show off yourself as the anointed one who can pray heaven and earth together. They need Jesus Christ not you! There is only one savior and one mediator between man and God; Christ Jesus. Simple prayer with expectation does it.

Evangelism is also a good opportunity to use your gifts. You can’t tell or know the gift of the spirit in you until you start using it. When you start witnessing for Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins to use it in a manner that will blow your mind. You could manifest word of knowledge, wisdom, and discernment of spirit as the Holy Spirit wills to manifest them through you. It is only as He wills. So do not make up a gift that wasn’t given by the Holy Spirit. You do not need it.

Loading yourself with information won’t make you grow. Meditate on God’s word and use it by ministering to people in this way and according to His will and in humility not self promotion, you will see the evidence of God’s power in you.

Tell the unbeliever what happens when they come to Christ; they are accepted by Him and their sins are washed away and forgiven totally no matter what they have done. Reassure them that you too received forgiveness when you came to Christ. That way they see that you are not condemning them or making them feel you are holier than them. A genuine invitation to a life changing experience validated by your own experience will make Christ real to them. They do not need a lot of doctrines and teaching at this time. They are babies in Christ and are not able to chew bones yet. So reserve the bones until they are grown enough to chew.

Encourage the new convert to be part of the Bible Studies and Sunday school classes designed for them so they can learn among others too. Fellowship goes a long way to build them up. Do not abandon a new born baby Christian! They will starve to death or wolves will take that baby. The wolves are never far away, they are always around. So plan a phone call to check on their progress or a visit when possible. If  your new convert is of the opposite sex, get your spouse engaged with them or better yet get the church involved and they can arrange appropriate follow up. Never put ministry above your marriage. It will ruin your marriage. Keep your marriage pure and undefiled.

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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