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Growing Spiritually

Growing Spiritually

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel

Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all. Galatians 4:1

As believers, we owe it to ourselves to grow spiritually. A spiritual minor may be the lord of the house and have all the gifts of God but will not be able to execute them until he matures. He is not different from a servant as long as he remains a child. When we choose to remain spiritual babies, it puts us at a disadvantage. Babies can’t fight or win battles. When you depend on people for almost everything, you will not be able to live your best. Practice makes perfect.

We need to remind ourselves of what it means to be a spiritual baby. It means to be as ignorant as a baby in the knowledge of Christ Jesus just as a natural baby is ignorant of natural facts. To drink only milk which does not need chewing or effort. A baby does not study Scriptures and does not meditate on Scriptures either because a baby does not understand values yet like an adult. A baby plays with fancy toys instead of what really matters. A spiritual baby depends on Pastors for prayers and everything. A spiritual baby is always looking for Prophets to tell them what is going to happen. They do not know the voice of God and like Samuel they go to Eli. It also means to be controlled by your senses and emotions instead of the Holy Spirit. It means to live more in awareness of the carnal, physical world more than the new spirit life in Christ. It means not to know your right from your left and live a very unstable life and be easily swayed by every new doctrine in town. Fascinated by miracles only and not by the miracle worker, the truth Himself which is CHRIST JESUS.  It means not knowing your Spiritual family and who you are in Christ and your privileges in Christ.


The greatest weapon of the devil is the power of suggestion and imagination. He uses them to penetrate the believer’s mind in other to gain control of his decisions and responses. The images he brings to you may make sense to your natural senses but it doesn’t mean those images are true. As a believer who is growing spiritually, when that imagination comes, you are supposed to depend on the word of God to give you the true picture. The devil will always bring you things that contradict the scriptures to convince you to deviate from the word of God and not believe God. To choose his lies over the truth of God’s word. But if you are a baby, you will be easily deceived and defeated.


The Bible answers all questions about life and godliness. If you carefully follow scriptures, you will find answers to the questions you are asking and gain true knowledge about life from God’s point of view. The scripture always outlines steps to getting whatever we desire from God. The Scripture is lamp unto thy feet and light to guide you in the way to go in everything. A baby being ignorant will miss out easily. A baby follows what it sees and feels rather than the guidance of the Word of God because it is a walk of faith not of sight.


  1. Feeding on a good diet. Every child needs food to grow healthy and strong. Likewise, you need to eat the word of God as food to grow spiritually. You start with milk, that doesn’t require effort. Simple basic truth of being saved by grace through faith. Try to understand the gospel of grace and ask questions from people God put in your life to guide you (examples are your Sunday school teachers, life center leaders, etc.) People will need to help you at this stage. Then by commit to seeking to know Christ Jesus who is the manna from Heaven that gives life, you will grow in faith in Him and be more and more rooted in Him. Christ Jesus is all that matters. Being transformed to live the new life in Him only happens as we know Him more and more and the Holy Spirit transforms our thinking and understanding of who He is.


2. The only knowledge that brings you to spiritual growth is the knowledge of Christ. Even a natural child should be taught about Christ early enough. They will understand and hear you. Stability is one of the signs of adulthood. An adult knows what he wants. Feeding on the knowledge of Christ is key. The more you know Christ, the more you experience the reality of His grace and the more stable you become. The more you realize you are complete in him. Nothing else is required. He is your sufficiency!!

  1. How do we eat this food?

Study! Make time to study the Scriptures. This is very important. Have that determined purpose to know God. If you want to know Him, do it with all your heart and nothing less. Show God you really want to know by investing time in Him. Attend all classes where you have the opportunity to learn in your church. If your church does not make it a priority you may prayerfully go elsewhere. It is that important! Do whatever it takes. Consider the word of God a treasure. If you seek Him with all your heart, you will begin to experience Him in such a way that will thrill you and He will reveal His love to you.  You can’t know Him except He reveals Himself to you. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal Christ to you as a reward for diligently seeking Him.

  1. Do!

We must be doers of the word, not hearers who deceive themselves. You should listen to the word of God and live out what He says. Otherwise, you will be likened to the man who looks at the mirror and sees himself but forgets about what he has seen the moment he looks away. Acting on the truth revealed makes it real. Then God will reveal more to you. If you prove unfaithful in what God gives you, God cannot trust you why should He give you more.? For example, show some love! Walk in forgiveness since we all received forgiveness through Christ Jesus freely. We need to show love to others because it fulfils the commandment of God. It is the royal law of love. If you don’t walk in love, you are not walking in the new life you have. God is love. All who have His life can walk in His type of love as Jesus walked.

  1. Pray for others!

The love of God will make you have the heart to pray for others and not just for yourself alone. We pray for the saints of God and for all men and those in authority. We have the responsibility to pray that all people walk in the will of God. Pray for the saints of God to know Christ more and more and to stand in all the will of God. We also pray for those yet to give their lives to Him that God will send laborers that they will listen to, and that their eyes be opened. Take authority over demons that blind people from the light of the gospel as the Holy Spirit leads and inspires your prayers. Do not pray mindless prayers just for praying sake. Let it be from your heart. Pretty soon you will learn what is important and what is not. You will also learn what to focus on and invest in and what is not worth your time and investment. You are growing in knowing what is right and wrong from God’s point of view and not from the world. You are growing spiritually and doing away with carnal things more and more!! The love of God controls you more and more. Praise God!

Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel is the Senior Pastor of Fountain of The Living Word Church, New Jersey.

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