• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


Forgiveness is one of the key things Jesus gave us by dying on the cross. Without it, our sin would never have been truly wiped away; we won’t really have been saved and we would have been subject to God’s wrath. We were made holy through the blood which Jesus shed. Because of His blood, there is forgiveness and He has opened a new way through which we come to God and receive life instead of death.


If you do not believe the Scripture and what God has said about you in Christ. The enemy has confused you already. You need to rise and shine and let the light shine upon you. Fight back and get back into the word and walk in the light of it and not by sight. Do you know that any truth you reject you do not experience it? For it shall be to you according to what you believe. If you believe you are unholy, your life will turn out unholy.


The substance of faith is our action that corresponds to what we believe. The evidence of faith is the action that reveals we believe what the Scriptures say without seeing it first. This is what the Scripture says is how we respond to the word of God for it to produce life in reality. So, we can live our brand, which is the new life; the life of Jesus Christ!


Jesus brought healing to humanity and we all have full access to it through salvation in Christ. When we receive Christ in our lives, we receive healing also and all other blessings of God in Christ Jesus. Healing is a gift that has been freely given to everyone by God through Jesus Christ; it cannot be paid for.


No matter the length or number of hours you spend praying, you cannot get anything from God if you are not asking in faith according to the Scriptures. From the above Scripture, we are instructed to ask in faith. And that we will not receive anything from the Lord except we ask in faith. Simple enough right? So, let’s do it then.


Pleading the blood is a good way to stand on the benefit of the blood against Satan. By pleading the blood of Jesus, you are saying to Satan, “I am not guilty just as they plead in court. I am not guilty. My sins are washed away by the blood and you have no more legal standing to afflict me. The sting of death is sin but where there is no sin, death has no more sting. Christ has made me righteous and holy and I am purified by faith that is in Christ Jesus and washed in the blood.”


As Christians, we must now carry out and live life like we KNOW death and sin have no more power over us. We must claim all the promises we have in Christ Jesus! Christ did not just die for dying sake. He died for a purpose and that purpose is to pay for our sins, pay all the penalties of our sin and restore us back to God as our Father. Christ died to also take our place and we take His place. Believe and receive. God cannot now give you sickness after all of this.

Growing Spiritually (Pt 4): The Role of the Holy Spirit (Pt. 2)

We cannot overemphasize the need to continue to grow spiritually because it will lead to living the life that is fully led by the Holy Spirit. This way, whatever you do will be inspired by the Spirit rather than the flesh. It will be beneficial to yield to the Holy Spirit rather than engaging our flesh. When we yield to the dictates of the flesh, we miss the opportunity to bring divine impact to our families, jobs and finances.

Growing Spiritually (Pt. 3): The Role of the Holy Spirit

The role of the Holy Spirit is to, first of all, testify about Jesus to us. (John 15:26) He also guides us into all truth and shows us things to come.
We are joint heirs with Jesus; everything He has from the Father is ours – His life, privilege, position, and righteousness. All that He is will be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. We were created in the new man to be like Him in the new birth, that way we see ourselves for who we really are. We understand all our new privileges and abilities in Christ Jesus, we understand truly that we are no more of this world because He is not of this world.