• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ

The Priceless Gift of Righteousness

By Pastor Chinedu Emmanuel 2 Cor 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Righteousness means being accepted, in right standing, justified, declared not guilty of any sin, and approved by God. Self-Achieved Righteousness: This simply means that man tries to make himself […]


We all have a desire to be remembered by people when we leave this world. Everyone wants to leave a legacy, a place in the history book of the world, a footprint on this earth. We want to leave a legacy that is honorable. We shouldn’t be concerned about being memorable, but rather we should want to leave a legacy that is designed and orchestrated by God.

God Rewards Faithfulness

God constantly seeks faithful men to work with; those that can be trusted with eternal treasures. Men and women with proven integrity. Regardless of what is committed into their hands whether little or much, in public or in private, recognized by men or not. People who have a solid commitment to truthfulness and honesty.


The doctrine of the fruit of the Spirit is one of the most misunderstood doctrines in Christendom. One school of thought believes that the fruit of the spirit can be achieved by the holy works of men. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Our human effort and strive cannot produce the fruit of the spirit. This is what the bible says about that position.


God created man on earth for him to dominate earth and take charge of it under God. God made man in His likeness. Man was created to have dominion on earth just like God. Since man is the only creature created like God, it is unfathomable that man would be subservient to any other creature. Dominion was Adam’s natural status just like God.


Prophet Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets. He prophesied about God’s plan of salvation through Christ Jesus. He wrote about the gospel thereby confirming the writings of our Lord Jesus. He started by making us know how to receive the Gospel. It is received by faith only. NOT BY WORKS!

Living From Heaven Not From The World

You must transcend the thinking that you are a mere human and begin to see yourself as a superhuman created to be like God, a son of God seated with the Lord in heavenly places so you can function in God’s realm. There is no impossibility in the spirit realm. All things are possible there.
We are created to be like God, we are spirits, born again meaning born of the Spirit of God and not of this world. We are citizens of God’s kingdom. We live from above; that is from heaven. Our methods are not their method. Focus on your government as ambassadors of Christ. You are citizens of heaven appointed to do the will of God on earth.