• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


You Are Destined For A Glorious Life

Although God’s word doesn’t return to Him void, we must cooperate with Him to make it happen. Living a glorious life requires being intentional and making tough choices. We must deliberately choose what God has said about us over the noise we constantly hear around us. Everything that pertains to life and godliness has been provided for us by Christ who is in us. However, we need  to make them ours by acknowledging that they are ours. If we deny them they do not manifest though they are there. By denying them we are rejecting them too.


We sit in church and listen, but we don’t understand the word because we aren’t teachable. We think we know it all, but our eyes of understanding are closed. If we open our eyes to see the word, the word will direct us to Christ Jesus. We should ask God to open our eyes of understanding and be intentional about the time we spend reading and listening to his word.


How valuable is Jesus to you? How much time do you give to Him in your thoughts, words, and actions each day? It will reveal whether you have found Him as that pearl of great price or not. What is your price tag on Jesus? We always find time for things that are important to us. If God is important to you, you will find time for Him; not just on Sundays but daily.

The Word of His Grace Guarantees Success

To live in abundance and reign in life, we need a transformed mind. This is possible because Christ lives in us. Since Christ is in you, you possess the nature and life of God. You have eternal life that is in Christ Jesus. We are told to be imitators of God as dear children in the Scriptures. Which means we are to act like God because we have the Spirit of God in us.

The Other War

The other war that is neglected yet important is the war against the desires of the flesh.
Losing this war is not an option because if you do, you won’t be able to win the war against demonic spirits. The desires of the flesh are terrible and harmful. If the flesh dominates, it automatically provides a platform for the devil to disrupt your fellowship with God and eventually lead to death which means leading one away from God the source of life.

The Right Focus In Prayer

The world focuses on earthly things, but we focus on heavenly things. We aren’t of this world; we are of God so we should set our minds on the things of the kingdom. The treasures of God are in His kingdom. We should seek God’s kingdom above all else. When we focus on God and his kingdom we live in abundance of blessings and become an overflow of his blessings as we are filled with the fullness of God.

The Riches of Christ for Us

The whole blessings of the family of God was made available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ as members of God;s household,heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus.These blessings are ours right now in this life not after death.. The greatest loss to man is not the loss of money or earthly riches though that is a loss but to exit this earth without enjoying to its fullness or maximum all the blessings Jesus died to provide for him.Because these riches far surpass any other riches here on earth in all considerations.

Preach and Make Disciples

Every believer has been instructed by Jesus to continue the work of preaching and making disciples of Christ. We need to deliberately talk to people about Jesus and follow them up to make them disciples. When you minister salvation to someone, call to discuss more, show genuine care, and be there for them until they are established in a church where they are taught the true word of God; a place where they are taught what Jesus died for them to have.

The Gospel of Peace; a Weapon of Warfare

Peace within is something God has given to us which no man can give us. Remember Daniel in the lion’s den? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the burning furnace? Peter who was to be killed the following day? They were all at peace when they should have been scared to death. The peace they had was beyond human understanding. Let God’s peace offered to you at Calvary guard your heart. God keeps us in perfect peace when our mind is stayed on Him and not our challenges.

Prayer; A Weapon of Warfare

Prayers not mixed with faith will not get answers. Faith only comes by hearing God’s word revealed to you. You cannot come to God with a doubting heart and expect Him to do what you are praying for. The moment your heart goes contrary to the word of God, no matter how much you pray it will not work. You must firmly believe in God and His word before you see answers to your prayers.