• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


Living From Heaven Not From The World

You must transcend the thinking that you are a mere human and begin to see yourself as a superhuman created to be like God, a son of God seated with the Lord in heavenly places so you can function in God’s realm. There is no impossibility in the spirit realm. All things are possible there.
We are created to be like God, we are spirits, born again meaning born of the Spirit of God and not of this world. We are citizens of God’s kingdom. We live from above; that is from heaven. Our methods are not their method. Focus on your government as ambassadors of Christ. You are citizens of heaven appointed to do the will of God on earth.

The Essence of Our Christian Faith

Christians need to rediscover what really matters; Christ Jesus! They need to develop a working intimacy with Him based on true knowledge of Him and knowing His love for us so we too can love Him. That love for Him will make Him our priority in life, not what we get from Him but who He is. If we build a relationship with Him based on our love for Him, even when things do not line up, we will still love Him, because we love Him for who He is!!!

God’s Weapons of Warfare: The Blood and Our Testimony

The blood was shed for your sake, the blood speaks better things for you. It speaks mercy and forgiveness because the sacrifice of Jesus has satisfied the just and divine punishment for our sins on our behalf and so the devil has lost what gave him the legal right to afflict us-our sin. It was washed away and therefore there is no more condemnation for us in Christ. The devil has no more legal grounds anymore to attack us.

The Riches of Christ for Us

The first condition for prosperity is accepting Jesus as Lord and personal savior. The second is by working hard. The Apostle advised that those who do not work should not eat. Working is important. You cannot be lazy and hope things will fall in your favor. The third is that your purpose for desiring wealth must align with God’s will and purpose.

The Helmet of Salvation

The helmet is what protects your thoughts from lies. We are dealing with the wiles of Satan; his lies, schemes and deceits attack our minds to believe his lies and not the truth in Christ Jesus. The helmet protects your head and your head represents the center of activities for every human. If something happens to your brain, you will lose the ability to do things rationally. Your helmet protects your soul and heart; from where all the issues of life come from.

The Basis Of Our Confidence In Prayer

Praying in the name of Jesus is another basis for our confidence. The name of Jesus is powerful. Whatever you ask in His name, you will receive and your joy shall be full (John 16:24). That name has favour in heaven. Praying in your name won’t get you anywhere just like the Pharisees. Follow the word of God to be your lamp and light in prayers and your prayers will always bring results.

The Father of All Who Believe

Abraham had an intimate relationship with God such that he could discuss anything with Him as a son would do with his earthly father. In Genesis 18:20 Abraham interceded for Sodom and stood before God pleading for His mercy even when he knew that God was determined to destroy the city because of their sins. Habakkuk acted in the same way in Habakkuk 2:1; taking advantage of the father–son relationship he had with God when it came to intercession. You too can go to God with His word concerning unresolved things in your life and He will show you where you are missing it; where you are not in agreement with His word.

Praying To Get Results

We should ask God how to pray and search what scripture says about prayer. Then, God will show us prayer topics to pray for and how to pray for them. God’s love compels and dominates us in everything we do including prayer.