• 973-675-6558
  • administration@ftlw.org
  • East Orange, NJ


The gracious visitation of God can be traced to the story of Zacchaeus. He was described as a tax collector, who was sinful in his ways. He is a rich man whose riches were linked to extortion of money from the poor. Being a short man, when Jesus was passing through Jericho, he had to climb up a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Even in his sinful nature, he desired greatly to see Jesus. He did not hide his sinful face from Jesus, instead, he realized and believed that he needed to be saved.


Pleading the blood is a good way to stand on the benefit of the blood against Satan. By pleading the blood of Jesus, you are saying to Satan, “I am not guilty just as they plead in court. I am not guilty. My sins are washed away by the blood and you have no more legal standing to afflict me. The sting of death is sin but where there is no sin, death has no more sting. Christ has made me righteous and holy and I am purified by faith that is in Christ Jesus and washed in the blood.”


As Christians, we must now carry out and live life like we KNOW death and sin have no more power over us. We must claim all the promises we have in Christ Jesus! Christ did not just die for dying sake. He died for a purpose and that purpose is to pay for our sins, pay all the penalties of our sin and restore us back to God as our Father. Christ died to also take our place and we take His place. Believe and receive. God cannot now give you sickness after all of this.

Maximizing The Blessing of Eternal Life

Are you an eternally conscious believer or a mere Christian? No one can answer this question for you; whether you are taking advantage of your eternal benefits in Christ or not. Unfortunately, many Christians focus only on the material things they can get from their relationship with God and fail to see the eternal things that matter most. Our focus as believers ought to constantly be on things above; eternal! […]